Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Precious, Excited, Kind of Sad, and Amazing

The precious:
I walked into the living room the other day to this scene. Of course Carson was there first and Parker copied him. I wish I could say it was a BYU devotional that was capturing their attention, but that would be a lie. It was a little yellow sponge who wears square pants that put those grins on their faces.

The excited:
My boss gave me this bedding a few months ago. For some reason I didn't put it on Parker's bed until yesterday. I had the camera ready and this was Parker's very first reaction to his cool bed. I know it's hard to tell, but he was very excited!

The "kind of sad":
Today I pulled all my annual flowers out of their beds. It was kind of sad because they are still blooming. But, I decided I'd take advantage of this beautiful 61-degrees day and finish up my yardwork for the year. I also raked the leaves, for the 3rd time this month. Sadly, from the looks of the trees, I still have at least 3 more times to go! Here's a picture of my full lawn cart. I filled it up like this 4 times, good thing the garbage man comes tomorrow!

The amazing:
In the spring-time, Carson's preschool teacher gave him a seed packet full of carrot seeds. Carson planted them in my flower beds. The seeds never grew and we forgot about them. As I was cleaning out my flower beds today I noticed a funny little plant. I pulled it up and a TINY carrot was dangling below! I know it's hard to tell from the picture, but this carrot is about 1/2 inch long. I showed it to Carson, and at first he was totally disgusted until he realized what it was, and then he did the happy dance for a few minutes. That's when I wish I knew how to post videos on my blog!


Curtis and Shandy said...

Your still life of the carrot is just as good as Darren's. Parker is pretty cute.

Jess said...

that's a sweet blog, carrie..

Anonymous said...

that is a great carrot! did carson eat it? (don't tell him, but the reason i stopped growing gardens was because all my veggies looked like that one.

Sarah said...

You do such a good job of keeping your blog updated. That carrot reminds me of the Little Engine that could. So cute.

Thomas said...

I love it when they do the happy dance.
That's how my carrots turned out this year.

Anonymous said...

Another great one!! Those two are quite a pair. Great blog!