They got to retire a flag. I never knew what this consisted of. Apparently just before they began the process, the scout leader talked to the scouts about it and said "I don't want you telling your friends you burned a flag! You tell them you RETIRED a flag!". ha ha! He understands boys very well!
Ahhh, my kind of camping....SAGEBRUSH camping.....NOT!!! If you call it "camping" there better be a forest.
Yep, that looks about right for a scout camp face. Nice and dirty!
I asked Carson what his favorite part was and he said "the lizard we found at the end!"
When they got home from camping Sam took the boys swimming...for 3 hours! I couldn't believe they went swimming for that long. It definitely wore them out!! When they got home we let Carson open one of his birthday presents:
And now I can't stop singing the song "show-a show-a how you roll, drop it, drop it, drop it low...." I even hear Cameron singing it when he doesn't know I'm around! ha ha!
Sunday the 9th was Carson's 11th birthday. He wanted a Club Penguin membership, which he got and was THRILLED about.
He also received a Hex Bug spider robot, which was wicked awesome!
We also had a yummy dinner at my parents house and enjoyed the fact that I still have a few years before a teenager lives at my house!
A few nights ago we went on our annual pumpkin patch excursion. My friend, Traci, had never been to a pumpkin patch in her entire life! So, I dragged her along and she was tons of fun and brought out the most hysterical behaviors in my kids. Seriously, it was funny!
The best was when Traci the troll snuck behind my kids pictures!
I told you Traci got my kids all wired!
The fam. Guess what? I just started my 3rd trimester! yahoo!!! I had an ultrasound last week and they confirmed I was having a girl. Let the new adventures begin..... :)
Cameron loved the tractors!
Sam, Carson, Parker, and Traci got lost in the corn maze, ha ha!
Alrighty, time to go visit my dad in the hospital...again. Poor guy! He has a very naughty pancreas!