Fast forward 30 some-odd years and here comes Cameron. Oh my....he can be so crusty! So cute and happy one second and then like the flip of a switch, Hello Mr. Cranky Pants, back so soon?
Ironic enough, Mike (the original Darth Vader) was visiting here a few weeks ago. He lives far far away so we don't see him too often. The first time Cameron saw him in our house, here's the look he gave Mike.
Not to worry though, he wiped the smirk off his face once he realized what a cool dude his Uncle Mike is! Now they are best buddies...I guess it takes a Vader to know a Vader. I'm just sayin'! ha ha, just kidding Mike!
Just for you Star Wars geeks: I had to look up Darth Vader's name in Google to be sure I was spelling it right. I came across a website that is full of Vader quotes!
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
"Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them."
"Asteroids do not concern me, Admiral. I want that ship, not excuses."
"When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master."
So anyway...
Carson did have a cavity the other day. It was in a baby tooth, so since it will be falling out in the next few years the dentist told Carson they could fill it with a spectacular color.
Carson chose Blue. He has a blue filling. That just seems really weird to me, sometimes it hurts my soul to think outside the box. All I can say is.....GO COLTS!!!!! ha ha ha!
Guess what I got to do yesterday? I was able to drive to Blackfoot Idaho with my dad and brother and go to the funeral for Ellis Oram. Ellis is my cousin's grandpa. He was an amazing man, full of humor and kindness. I've never cried/laughed so hard at any other funeral in my life! Just when things got too sad, somebody told a story about him that made my sad tears turn into tears of pure hysterical laughter! Let's just say I was completely exhausted once I got home, too many emotions in one day!
Here's a few funny stories:
When Ellis was 18, he decided to leave small-town-Utah and hitch a ride on a train to California to make a name for himself. Imagine his surprise when the train ride Pocatello Idaho! Even more surprising, he stayed in that area for the rest of his life!
His son came home 1/2 hour late for his curfew when he was in High School. When Ellis tried talking to him about it, his son gave him a bit of an attitude. The next morning when the son got up to drive to school in his 1970 Camero, the car wasn't in the driveway. He went to his dad's work, which was Blackfoot Motors....and his dad had sold his car that morning! Can you imagine?
Same son was in sacrament meeting and his dad was the Bishop. Son's friend was sleeping during the rest hymn, so he woke up his friend and said "Dad asked you to say the closing prayer.". As soon as the hymn ended, the friend got up and prayed. Bishop Oram got up and said "Thanks for that lovely prayer, but we still have 2 speakers to hear from."! Ha ha ha ha, I totally want to try that one some day!
The list goes on and on....Ellis was funny so all his children got the same humor gene, which is just one of the reasons I like hanging out with my cousins! Ellis will be missed!