For reals, I am desperate to keep updating this journal of mine but at the end of most days all I want to do is lay down and be a vegetable!
However, it's early afternoon and I'm taking a break from the day and upating this blog. I have too much going on to not blog about it!
Once school ended, the typical summer activities ensued: Youth Conference, Swim Lessons, camping trips planned, and about 400 otter pops have been consumed (I helped consume them). I love me some otter pops! How do you know if the otter pop you are eating is strong enough? You cough! Whenever I cough while partaking of the sweet sugary goodness, I always exclaim "Oh yeah, that's the good stuff!".
Our ward's Youth Conference was amazing...or so I heard. I wasn't there but Sam was. :) They did a partial trek intermixed with some fun activities. Each person on the trek represented an actual pioneer who crossed the plains. At the end of the Youth Conference, each person found out if their pioneer survived or not. Very touching! I looked at the pictures Sam took when he got home and a few made me laugh:
I said "Hey Sam, what were taking pictures of here??" He said "the scenery....and stuff...." Riiiiiggggghhhhhhhttttttt....the man loves his car. So precious! :)
Father's Day was great! We had a fancy schmancy dinner at my parents house. Always delicious! Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of Sam or my dad. I'm lame like that. However, I love them both dearly and I'm so thankful for their influence in my life!!
Sam did capture this beauty: I have no idea what Parker is doing with his shirt, but Cameron thinks it's funny.
Speaking of Crazy P-Maw, he turned 7 on the 20th. Usually I kind of lament the fact that my kids are growing too fast, but I don't feel that way with Parker. I swear he has the wit of a 12 year old so it's kind of weird that he's only 7. Does that make sense? In fact, I'm kind of nervous to see what he's going to do with each growing year....he will always keep us on our toes I'm sure!
He invited his cousin Dexter and Carson's friend, Devin, to celebrate with us. Sort of as a joke, I gave him a birthday hat I found and he wore it faithfully most of the day. ha ha!
Make a wish! Remember, you have to tell us what you wish for or it won't come true! At least that is what my dad always taught us.
After cake and ice cream we all went to a trampoline place called Airborne. Holy cow, it was such a blast! The tickets we had were only good for one hour of jumping. I thought that was too short. Boy was I wrong!!! After 45 minutes everybody was panting so hard and they were covered in sweat! It was just perfect!
I think the favorite activity of the night was jumping into the foam pits. We would even launch Cameron into them. He would land like a slug and then just lay there. I had a few tears from laughing so hard.
Now we turn our attention to upcoming camping trips. I'm not a huge fan of sleeping outside, but overall, camping is such a fun experience! We reserved a camping spot locally for a time in the near future. Last weekend Sam drove up to the spot to check it out. Good thing he did too. We have had such a cold, wet's taken a long time for the snow to actually melt. Now that the temperatures are rising, the snow is melting faster than the rivers and streams can handle. The spot we had reserved had melting snow running right through it! ha ha!
The camp hosts were very nice and re-assigned us to a dry spot. It should be a good time!
Next week we are in charge of the big ol' Sweet campout. Every 8 years we are in charge. That's right, last time we were the head honchos we only had Carson! One of the perks of belonging to such a large family I suppose! I use the term "in charge" loosely. Basically we reserved the group site. After that everyone is on their own, I'm not good at being in charge of a group's entertainment!! Sadly, the bigger and older this family gets, the more people start dropping out of the campout due to schedules and other conflicts. I'm going to miss those that aren't there for sure!
This morning I backed out of my driveway to go run some errands. As I was backing out, I noticed this on my front lawn!!
I nearly died laughing!!! I knew immediately who it was from. Our friends are in charge of doing a 4th and 24th of July float for our Stake. When they got this assignment last year, the immediately called all the float people who just finished the parades and asked them if they could have all their misc float pieces. They received some of the most random and hideous items! Seriously, their yard looked like something out of a budget horror movie... huge doll heads, random body was classic! So when I saw this larger than life football player, missing a head, hanging out on my lawn I had to cross my legs because I was laughing so hard (if you've had babies, you'll understand the crossing of the legs part).
After I gathered my wits, I noticed this headless monster was holding a sign:
Awwwww, that is nice! Sam has been helping build the float for the past few nights, I guess they are grateful! Our friends are funny because they keep asking why Sam wants to help. Our reply: Because you are our friends and you need help, duh!!! :) I am leaving that headless dude on our lawn until I find motivation to do something with it. Come on over and enjoy the view, you will laugh! Cameron keeps saying "that red guy is too scary."
Carson and Parker are reminiscing. Carson just said "Parker, remember that one time at school when my nose wouldn't stop running? I went into the bathroom and blew my nose for like an hour...and then all of a sudden all this corn came out??"
What?!? I honestly didn't ask any follow up questions. Sometimes things are best left unresolved.
Finally, we'll see who still reads this ol' blog. I'm pregnant.
I'm 12 weeks. I puke a lot. I sleep a lot. I hope to come out of my funk soon because I'm not very fun to be around right now. However, I'm so excited. I'm due January 14th. We like to be consistent in this family. If all goes according to plan (cross fingers and toes), this baby will be healthy and born in 2012. My kids are born every 4 years: 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012. Yep, consistent. There's something to be said for spacing kids out 4 years. I really like it! It wasn't my choice, but that's how it turned out and I'll take it!
Just because I know you are wondering: I'm expecting this baby to be a boy, and I'm very okay with that! :)
Wowie, wow, wow; congratulations!! Oooh, I like my word verification: geakess.
I've been waiting for an announcement like this from you!!! Yeah!!
You are so getting a girl...hahaha...just you wait...Congrats!
mel and i are planning on a girl- if you cared... she has been putting together some swweet outfits!!! love parkers form into the foam! nice parker!! lastly I challange everyone to go to your house and get a picture with your headless hottie and put it on their blog- or for us stalkers... facebook!! happy 4th!
Congrats! You have handsome sons so either way, you will be a lucky girl.
Congrats and I want to know more about the corn story! LOL Thanks for all the good laughs today@
i swear the first trimester of pregnancy is the kiss of death for blogs! nobody updates cause they're too busy puking in the toilet!
i'm going to call you sometime next week! once again i've been a bad friend :(
I'm betting twin girls.....awesome!!!!
Awesome! Since I consider Sam a son, I also claim grandfatherly rights to all existing and future Sam & Carrie offspring! All the while I was reading your blog I kept thinking, "I wonder if Sam and Carrie will have more children?" Thanks for the quick response!
Way to save the best news for last!!! Congrats, congrats! Please call or have any of the kiddos come over anytime you need a break. I'm two houses down-seriously!!!
So excited. I have been thinkingand wondering if that's part of the reason you haven't been updating. You may be counting on a boy... but I am not. Everyone needs a girl!
SO about the float. I guess Sam told Les that it should take at least an honorable mention... doesn't he know that Leslie doesn't do runner up. Matt was so funny, he said, "I guess I will never be done with this float!" Made me laugh! Thanks for helping because they need lots of help and I haven't been too good because we're moving sooner than I am ready!
we should get the Gilmores and go out to dinner one night... I would love that!
Great post! Corn in the nose, float people, flailing kids in flight, and a pregnancy. Awesome!
So, if it's a girl, then she'll be our boys age, and we'll just go ahead and arange the marriage. Abby and Cameron are already betrothed. Perfect, perfect world!
Sorry you're so sick. I know how sick you get, and that's no fun.
Hurray! Your plan worked! Good for you guys. Hope to see you sooner than later!
WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am dying right now! Who freaking knew you were going to grow another fetus! YEAH for the Sweets! Ps-great blog post, i really have been missing you! Maybe you will have to pretend to have time to blog..and then you will, thats what I do:) The corn out of the nose is still throwing me for a loop...and the big headless football player is hillllarious-I am totally going to find me some float peices-thats fantastic! Keep us updated!
Congrats on being pregnant!! That is so exciting for you. I love that you are ok with having another boy. You are just awesome like that.
CONGRATS!!!! Hope you get feeling better soon. I think there's nothing wrong with 4yrs apart. I think that's what we are doing too :) Oh, and I love the post!!
Congratulations!!! I do miss being in the 'hood' especially now there's a headless football player lurking about. I can't believe Parker is 7. He will always be 3 years old to me no matter how old he gets. Good luck with that baby!
That is very exciting!! Congratulations!!
Love the football guy! And congrats on the baby!!!!
Here's to a girl!!!! Congrats!
congrats!!! we are so happy for you! hope you get feeling better.
I'm thinking girl too. Ask Carson what he thinks it is. Whatever he says will be right! I think a girl would be awesome in your family, but it would be sad to see you leave the "mom of boys only club"! Congrats! I'm so excited to have another Sweet baby in the family!
Congrats! I can't imagine you ever not being fun to be around. :)
Congrats! That last line pretty much guarantees you a girl. I'll start boxing up clothes to send you :)
Carrie, Congratulations!!
All right!
4 boys is just P E R F E C T
Congratulations!!!! How Exciting!
I'm WAY behind in my blog stalking, so didn't know about your expected addition! Congratulations! Another SWEET child to add to the mix of the most hilarious stories I've ever heard!
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