Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy V-Day

I used to love getting valentines from my class at school! First you get to make and decorate your own mailbox and then you get to walk around to each mailbox in your classroom and drop in a special valentine. I helped out at Carson's school today so I got to be part of the fun. Princess Valentines were the most popular item for the girls and the boys seemed to like Spiderman Valentines. It was pretty fun. We frosted sugar cookies for our snack and now we're pretty sugar-ed out!


Anonymous said...

We made sugar cookies for David to give as Valentines. I forgot about the usual frost-your-own-cookie activity they always do. Wha-hoo more sugar. I bet my cookies tasted better. They probably arrived to school in crumbs. I should have included plastic spoons. Your kids, without argument, do have the market cornerd on great eyes!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When I was little we didn't get near as much candy in the valentines. Maybe a few conversation hearts. Now they get candy with almost every Valentine. Kevin had a party at school and at daycare and Ethan had a party at daycare. They even gave Jacob a bag of Valentines. So we've had a lot of candy at our house. Too bad most of it isn't chocolate. :-)