If it wasn't my out of control 'fro (I've embraced it now, but back in "the day" I had no idea how to tame this crazy mop of mine!) it was my out of control acne! Oh let's not forget my fangs, yes that's right. Fangs. I had some sweet pointy fangs that braces took care of, but I didn't get braces until High School! I also didn't know how to smile for pictures. Looking at those school photos took me right back to that moment. I can actually REMEMBER thinking to myself, right before the picture was taken, "oh crap, I can't figure out how to smile so I look good!" and then CLICK, the picture was taken, and my awkwardness was captured for all the world to see, forever. It's maddening! Why was it so hard to fake smile?
Carson and Parker came home with their school pictures today. Oh my.
I'm wondering, do I just keep these pictures so we have something to laugh about later on in life, or should I get retakes? We get to choose what color background we want. I had requested Gray for both kids. Both kids came home with blue backgrounds. Duh! However, the blue background isn't really the issue here....
Carson has his own 'fro going on. Poor kid. His hair looked nice going to school...maybe it was windy, I don't know, but DANG that's some awesome action going on up there:
Then there is this guy. Lately, when he fake smiles, he doesn't show his teeth. So, right before school started I said "Parker, remember to show your teeth when you are smiling!". I should have kept my big mouth shut I think. :)
My parents were kind enought to let me scan some of their photos today.
Here is my dad's Senior Portrait. It looked painted. Fancy! What white teeth you have!!! His hair looks brownish-red here but lemme tell you, it was jet black! The only reason this is so funny, is because he's had bright white hair (almost as white as those teeth) since the day I was born!

Correct me if I'm wrong dad, but I think this picture was pre-mission:

And this picture is post-mission:

Here's the cute couple on their wedding day! My mom tried on dresses one day with her mom (my grandma). Mom told Grandma what she liked and what she didn't like. About a week later, my mom gets a package in the mail...Grandma made a wedding dress for my mom and just mailed it to her, without any explanation! It fit perfectly and she had incorporated what my mom liked into it. That's some amazing talent!

Here is said Grandma, along with Grandpa. A few years ago they passed away within 6 months of each other.

My dad was in the army during their newlywed years. Such a classy couple!

Here are my parents with my Grandma and Grandpa Clark (dad's folks). You can see my dad's hair starting to turn a little salt and pepper. The look so happy...well, except Grandpa Clark. I think whatever was said to encourage laughter was perceived as inappropriate to him. I dunno, maybe he just couldn't figure out how to fake smile. I understand Grandpa!

I didn't really know my Grandpa. He passed away when I was 6 years old. I remember him as being pretty grumpy. However, now when my dad tries to be grumpy it just comes across as really funny. So, maybe my grandpa was funny and I just misinterpreted his crankiness.
My Grandma lived until I was in 8th grade. I remember her very well. We used to mow her grass every week and we had countless Sunday dinners at her house. Her name was Lillie. I looked up to her. She never finished a job or task until it was completely done, no matter how hard it was. To this day if I'm struggling to finish a task I remember my Grandma and her work ethic and I push on until the job is complete. She was so kind and relaxed and always had vanilla ice cream in the freezer.

Words don't do this picture justice! Nice hair, nice tie, nice mustache, nice couch.....CLASSIC! Those are my brothers, Darren and Michael. They are 18 months apart.
Now onto my mom.
Look at this cute picture! Now you know where I get my curly hair from. Those chips are only $.15!

I love the trousers! I think she looks a little like Parker in this picture. When my mom was little everybody called her "Patti". She hated it so much that when she was in 3rd grade (is that right mom?) she told her teacher "my dad says my name is Pat and so you can't call me Patti anymore". Well, if your dad says so.... :)

This was my mom's favorite dress. Chocolate colored silk with cream lace. Love it!

My Grandma Bell was very practical. She wrote every child's name right on that child in my mom's class pictures. Since this picture was in my mom's baby book, she wrote "me" on my mom. At least she didn't write it across Mom's face! Other classmates weren't so lucky!

Are horn-rimmed glasses back in style yet? I think they are awesome!! Here's my mom, Sharon, Daurell, and Phil (I hope I got the brothers right, I'm guessing!).

When my parents got married, the trend of the day was to have a big ol' article in the local paper about it! This must be before women were so vocal about their rights and independence. "Patricia Bell is now Mrs. Carl Rulon Clark!"

Finally, here is a picture of my Grandma Bell, her siblings, and her parents. My Grandma is the lady with the white and black polka dot dress on the bottom in the center. Wasn't she cute? My Great-Grandma Dunkley is in the yellow dress. Every picture I've seen of her has included her dressing to the max in the latest fashion! I bet she was fun to hang out with.

Too bad my grandchildren and great-grandchildren won't see my school pictures and think "She was so glamorous! I wish I could be just like her!" Seriously, I'm telling you, one day I'll have the guts to post them. For now, I'll let you just imagine it!
Those were some fun pictures. I never knew either of my grandparents. One day I should get some pictures and sort that whole thing out. Good post.
Thanks for posting all those Carrie. I hadn't seen a lot of those pictures in years. And yes, you got all the brothers names rightg (and in the right order). And yes, Pat did hate being called "Patti".
What a studley dude I was???!!!! Carl
Thank you for keeping my life story up to date. This is one of your best this year! I was actually in the second grade when I announced the name change, but it worked--except for some of the relatives who still refer to me as Patty when we see each other, but now I can take it!
WOW! Parker looks a ton like your mom! Those are some great pictures. Kate came home from school at the end of kindergarten, and announced that the only people that can call her "Katie" are her family. Everyone else must call her Kate.
I think if I ever posted Neal's chronological school cats-ass-trophic pictures, he would divorce me. Let's just say that Neal had some awkward years.
I'm so glad you posted these pictures! Even though I don't know any of your relatives, I love looking at old pictures! Good post!
I hope that you're adjusting okay to your "new" profession! If you ever need to get out of the house, give me a call! I know that when I'm stuck inside all day as a "homemaker" I go CRAZY! Being a full time SAHM is definitely worth it, but I know that it's also the hardest thing in the world at times. I know you'll be so blessed for all of the sacrifices you & Sam make for your cute family!
I don't even know your parents or grandparents but it was so fun to see the pictures. I think I better get some old pictures of my relatives and scan them too. What a great idea. I loved the photo that said me. Classic!
haha! your boys school pictures aren't bad! i've seen worse. case in point
I think we all have some bad school pictures. I know I do. Where were retake days when you needed them? I love all those old pictures. It will be fun to get to know ancestors you didn't get to know in this life in the next one. The more I learn about my ancestors the more I look forward to talking to them in the next life.
loved this post! your mom and dad look awesome! i'd go for the re-takes- hehehe -my kids wish i had some of theirs re-done, what they don't know is that i did!! hehe
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