Here's a little catch up:
Labor Day. We went to Red Butte Gardens because it was free and it was purdy.
The kids ran:
They jumped:
They played in water:
And the fish were super hungry.
At the last Pack meeting, Carson received his Wolf Badge. He even pinned the Wolf Pin on me and didn't hurt me. My little man is growing up!
After the merit badges were passed out, the kids were able to fish at a pond in Herriman. It was a blast. I'm super pleased with our Cub Masters, Patrick and Autumn Johnson. They put so much effort in Pack meetings, they are always a huge success!
At this point I handed my camera to our friend, Ryan Patterson. He gets credit for these shots.
Only a few people caught these teeny tiny fish:
I missed it, but apparently Carson put a bunch of fish crackers into the water. When he saw a fish nibble on them, he threw his line in. As soon as he felt a tiny tug, he YANKED his line out of the water and a fish flew out onto the grass...not even connected to the hook! I guess he latched on enough to be pulled into the air, but not enough to stick on the line! Only Carson could accomplish something like that--he can be such a spaz sometimes, just one of the reasons why I think he is so awesome!
Fun photos from the evening:
This picture makes me understand....
....this picture. Like father like son.
Well, I guess I should explain the "do rag". Fern put this on Cameron a few days ago and now he constantly wants to wear it. He's gangsta like that.
Oh hey, Parker started Fall Soccer on Saturday. I'm really learning to love these games. This season Parker is playing with Jacob again, but he's also playing with my niece's two kids and a little girl from our neighborhood! So fun!!
Cameron made the most of his time at the field. Anything can become a toy to him!
This year the jersey's are silver. So handsome!
Go team!
Tonight I was working with Carson, trying to convince him that he needed to focus a little more on his homework. I left the room for a few minutes and when I returned he hadn't made any progress on his math worksheet. I said "Carson, why can't you focus?" He exclaimed to me, in a really exasperated voice "BECAUSE! My eye hurts, my stomach hurts, and I have all these red bumps all over my belly!" Then he stood up on his stool and pulled his shirt up over his head. I think I gasped, audibly.
He had red bumps all over his stomach and chest! I asked him when they showed up and why didn't he tell me about it earlier?!? He said "I dunno, maybe on Friday, I just figured they were pimples."
Pimples???? What 8 year old thinks he's getting zits on his stomach?!? It was all I could do to not laugh out loud. We had a little talk about puberty and getting zits, and then I called Instacare. On the way to instacare I had another little talk with that he's 8 and I don't ever see him nekkid, I told him he always needs to let me know when he sees something weird or unusual on his body....I know, I know, I'm asking for trouble here! I didn't know what else to say! I don't bathe him, he showers on his own, so I would never have known about these bumps!
I was praying it wasn't chicken pox. He has been immunized against chicken pox, but I know that's not fool proof. He was at school, at church, and hanging out with his cousin today. How awful to expose all those people to the chicken pox!
The waiting room at the Instacare is a people-watching DREAM! Constant entertainment! The first kid who got called back with the nurse looked perfectly healthy. Then I heard the nurse say to him as they were walking away "So, you decided to put a penny up your nose!" ha ha ha! Good one!
Then another guy walks into the building acting all wheezy, seriously he could hardly breathe. He walked up the reception desk and just stands there, unable to talk. The receptionist said "are you having an asthma attack?" The guy nods. A doctor comes out and asks the patient's wife "how long has he been this bad?" The wife says "since yesterday!" ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I have no words.
Another guy comes in holding a big bloody bandage over his hand. He sits down and starts bobbing all over the place, almost passing out. His friend runs back to the nurses station screaming "where are all the people???!!!" At this point Carson got called back. Bummer, I wonder what happened to ol' bobble head? Did somebody stab him? Did he cut his finger off? Was it a hang nail and he was a wuss? I'll never know.
The doctor walks into the room and says "I'm Dr. Atzet". I said "that's weird, Carson's teacher is Mrs. Atzet". The doc looks at Carson and says "are you in the 3rd grade?" Carson nods yes. Dr. Atzet said "that's my mom!". I love small world moments like that! One day I want to start a blog where people can write their freaky small world moments.
Anywho, Carson does not have chicken pox. Apparently his dry skin allows infections easier than normal skin so he got some sort of infection and then it spread. I still don't understand it, but he's on antibiotics now. Whatebs, the people watching was worth it, I'm good.
Finally, I sort of got my job back. My boss called me last week and said they were so slammed and they can't get all the work done. She asked if I would be willing to come back to work as a contracted employee. I agreed, but told her I could only work a few hours a day. I feel like it's the answer to our prayers for now. I still do the work from home, but most of it I will do in the evenings after kids are in bed. I checked out the work load today and couldn't believe my eyes! I've never seen so much backed up work in my life. It's going to take a month to dig myself out, but that's okay. I'm so thankful for a little added income!
I think that's all for now, I'm so happy to be caught up! I can't wait to see what adventures the next week brings!
hilarious!! a blog about what people (not just kids) stick up their noses would be funny too! cam and his dew rag is so funny- everytime it slipped off he would hand it to whoever was closest to put it back on! good luck with the 'next stage' of the boyhood- still do that with mel!
I'm dying to know what happened to the 'bleeder' at the insta-care!
That is so funny with Carson and his fish. First, he's smart enough to chum the water, then he's like the fish whisperer and gets the fish out of the pond without a hook! He's got a gift.
That sure is a cute little girl sitting on the bank fishing!! Too bad the only nibble she got was from a duck!
Man--you make our life look so very,very,very boring. Hilarious update. Got to love those boys of yours!
So Carrie....I can't decided if your life is a sitcom or a soap opera...
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