Thursday, July 22, 2010


Carson, Parker, and I had an appointment with the dentist this morning for our 6 month check-up. Cameron kept begging for a toothbrush so we put him in the chair so the dentist could count his teeth and look in his mouth. He did so good, we decided that he should get his teeth cleaned as well! So here is Cameron in all his glory, experiencing his first intimate view of our dentist!

Just don't bring the spit-sucker-up thing near him, he goes into the fetal position. It was a little bizarre. Live and learn!

All four of us are cavity free! Being the toothbrush nazi mom really comes in handy at those 6 months appointments!


Amy B. said...

I am tooth brush, flosser, swisher Nazi mom too!!!

DJ and Gin Family said...

What a good kid! Reese wouldn't go near the chair. We later realized that the dentists chair looked just like the one she sat in (or was held down in)to have her tongue stitched back together. She wasn't trusting us.
Nazi brushing is a must... I brushed Tay's teeth for her until she was 9. Well worth it.

Carl and Pat said...

Way to go, Nazi Mamma!