Ever since we moved into this house, 9 years ago, we've had patches of weird grass that grows amongst our Kentucky Blue grass. I thought it was crab grass, but I asked Scotts Lawn Service about it one day and they told me it wasn't crab grass, it was a type of grass that grows in the South. Not sure how that grass made its way to my lawn, but whatever....I just knew it needed to be gone. Over the years more and more patches have started growing.
My blog skills are slacking because I didn't take any before pictures. However, there are about 15 or so patches that Sam dug out with a shovel, leaving holes anywhere from 6 inches to 12 inches deep all over our yard. It looked like some bizarre connect-the-dot game. After they were all dug out, he then back filled them with dirt, which is when I decided to grab the camera. At this point my parents took mercy on us and joined in the fun!
The kids played outside all day while we were working. I loved it! Carson forgets he is 10 years old and is too big for Cameron's toys. Check Parker out, he was gathering some speed so he could slam into Carson. I just let it happen. :)
After the holes were packed with dirt, we placed this Lawn Patch stuff on top. It's basically grass seed mixed with shredded newspaper and other types of moisture-holding fluffy stuff. I'm supposed to keep it wet and in 7-14 days we should start to see some new grass growing. Right now our lawn looks crazy with blue polka dots all over it.
I really hope it works because right now I feel like the crazy old lady who scares her neighbors....I'm constantly watching those patches so kids and dogs don't walk through them. Yesterday a couple was walking their dog by my house and the dog totally walked through about 6 patches. I STERNLY said "HEY! Don't let your dog walk through those patches!". Yep, I've become one of those people.
Even with the ugly polka dots, it's so nice to look on my front lawn and not see all the ugly grass sticking straight up. I'm hopeful!
Yesterday for dinner I made something yummy! I found a recipe for pulled pork sandwiches. First, you put pork in your crock-pot the night before with a bottle of regular BBQ sauce. Put the crock-pot on Low and go to bed. I did just that. By 5am the next morning I was gagging at the strong meat smell in my house. "It's going to be a long day" I thought. Sam's alarm beeped at 5:30am. I said "Hey Sam, will you plug the crock-pot into an outlet in the garage"? He suggested doing this the night before but I dismissed the idea. Sorry Sam, you were brilliant! So he moved the crock-pot and all was well. I had some yummy pork cooking in my garage all day! By about 3pm I brought it inside and drained off the BBQ sauce, melted fat, and I shredded the pork. Even at this point I could eat a whole portion!
I refrained to just a few bite-fuls! Then I added a bunch of "Sweet and Spicy" BBQ sauce and let it get hot again. Sooooooo delicious!
To the equation, add a chewy hard roll and some swiss cheese.....perfection! Try it today! The recipe called for Boston Butt Roast but I just used pork shoulder because that's what I had.
By the way, see all the crusty cooked on BBQ sauce on the sides of the crock-pot? Yeah, I wasn't able to get it all cleaned off until this morning! I'd recommend using a crock-pot liner to save yourself the trouble.
Yesterday Cameron was looking at the celing and said "Daddy, can you take me up there?" as he's pointing up. So Sam obliged and Cameron practiced walking on the ceiling. It was just so random. Cameron never laughed or anything, he just acted like Spiderman for a few seconds and then went about his business. Almost like in his mind he thought "okay, I can check that off my bucket list". I love him!
Last week Carson's teacher called me at home because he was so frustrated. Carson had been working on one math worksheet all day and had only completed 1/3 of it. So he called to tell me he was sending it home with Carson and he better get it done that night. I decided a few months ago that I was going to quit trying to explain myself or Carson when stuff like this comes up. I know we work hard at home and stuff like that does not happen because I'm a slacker or because Carson isn't smart. Does that make sense? I just politely said "okay". I guess he made that call in front of Carson because in the 10 minutes left of school, Carson quickly finished the worksheet! He did it all right too! He still brought it home because his teacher said "well, your mom is expecting it so you better bring it home.". I thought it was funny! I don't know why he day dreams all day, but it never fails, when push comes to shove, he pulls through! However, he thought he was in trouble so on the way home he picked this tulip out of our yard and said "Hi mom, I brought you this flower." He was very timid. It was cute.
This morning I was doing my hair and Cameron walks into the bathroom. He was standing on top of the toilet dancing around. He lost his balance and then fell, flat onto his face, onto the rug below. I just sort of watched him (I have a problem with delayed reactions to things). Cameron stood up, had a disgusted look on his face, and said "sheesh, I almost peed my underwear" and then he stood in front of the toilet and went to the bathroom. Holy cow, it was hysterical!!! I'm sure it hurt because the side of his head, right by his eye is all skinned. I think he hit his head on the stool on the way down. I can't get enough of him!
Hahahahaha! I LOVE your boys. I hope, if I have boys, that they are as awesome and hilarious as yours. :)
sheesh, i almost peed my underwear reading this post!
that last picture is awesome-sauce!
sidenote: once the weather warms up hows about ya'll come over for a bbq?
We are always up for some good Tom/Laura times! You name the date and give me a food assignment and we'll be there!
I love reading your blog. Next time you have a crusty crock pot, fill it up with warm water and stick a fabric sheet in it.
Nothing like a little fire under the bums of our children to keep them motivated. Hey, I just had a good idea for an invention!
That boy Cameron is a crack up! I'm happy to hear that it's underwear he almost peed, not a diaper. Congratulations! Now, if I could just get Abby to stop pooping her diaper. . .
Ha hahaha - i agree with becky f. - love your parenting style!! i need some 'boy' time- how bout some time next week??!
word verification fits this post perfectly..... hyperwee
And spending a whole day with these three is non-stop entertainment. From coloring Easter eggs to herding them around Costco to going to two parks (including using the rocks under one of the slides for Cameron to do a long-range spray) we had a blast. I'm tired--I'm going to go lay down now! (Grandma C.)
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