We were given a bookmark which listed a scripture for every day beginning today, and it ends the day before the start of Girls Camp in July. We are supposed to read the scripture and say our morning prayer. Then, at night, we do the same thing. Each day gives us a new scripture somehow related to prayer.
Today's scripture: 2nd Nephi 9:52 Behold, my beloved brethren, remember the words of your God; pray unto him continually by day, and give thanks unto his holy name by night. Let your hearts rejoice
As I prayed and thought about that scripture, I chose to focus on the last sentence: Let your hearts rejoice. I decided I would choose to find the positive in the hardest situations that presented itself for the day. My decision would be put to the test before the hour had passed.
Cameron had his 3-year old check-up today with his pediatrician. Because my kids are off-track I had all three hooligans with me. We were traveling east on 6200 South and I was stopped in traffic. Suddenly, I am SLAMMED from behind. Ah crap, we were just rear-ended. As I try to gather my thoughts before leaving my car, this scripture/prayer challenge enters my mind. I immediately said to myself: Well, I'm grateful it's not snowing! Then I get out of the car and look at the TINY scratch on my bumper....I'm rejoicing it's just a scratch (we have about 100 other scratches on the bumper from previous adventures)! My rear-ending actually involved 3 cars. I was hit by a girl behind me, who was hit by the boy behind her. I'm thankful my back didn't start going into spasms! Then I look at the boy's car who caused the accident. It wasn't pretty.
He wasn't hurt, just freaked out. I'm grateful we all had insurance and proper registration, that almost never happens! Anyway, you get the idea....I couldn't believe how easy it was to remain positive.
We then went to the doctor appointment, we were late, but they were very accommodating. All was well with Cameron. We left the doctor's office and each of my boys received a sucker and a sticker. For some reason my kids like to put their stickers on their foreheads. These are huge stickers! See what I mean, jellybean?
A little later in the day I was at our church entering February Visiting Teaching numbers into the computer (I know, I'm a little slow!). Carson and Parker came into the room totally laughing. Carson said "Parker wanted me to take his sticker off really fast and look what happened!"
Yes, those are hairs. My heart rejoiced, you have to admit, that is FUNNY! I guess Parker is getting a head start on his receding hairline!
I tried to be careful whilst removing Cameron's sticker. There were only about 10 hairs stuck to his. Phew.
So, I'm excited to see what future unexpected events occur as a result of this reading/praying challenge. I told my friend today that I really hope there aren't lots of scriptures on "endure to the end" because I'm a little petrified to see what situations arise!
Some other thoughts/situations lately that make my heart rejoice:
Today my hysterical niece wrote on facebook: "One year ago I put on deoderant covered in cream cheese" What a GREAT April fools day joke! Seriously, brilliant!
The other day I told Parker "Go make your bed and then you can party like it's 1999. His reply: **snarky chuckle** that won't work because my watch is NOT telling military time!
Last week was Fast Sunday. I had to make a Texas Sheetcake for a firesid we were having at our house later that day. Carson wanted to help me make it. I said "sure, but don't you think that will be a temptation? We can't lick the beater or the bowl since it's Fast Sunday!" He said "well, can I still smell it?" My reply: "uhhhh, yeah..." He said "Perfect! You always make good stuff for other people and we never get a taste so a long time ago I had to learn to be okay with just smelling good stuff!" Aw man, I don't know if I should be proud of him or if I should take the knife out of my back??!!
I dyed the milk in my kids' cereal this morning. Parker LOVED it and chuckled while he ate. Carson pouted and sat on the couch. I just shrugged and thought "ya win some, ya lose some!"
Man, it seems like you WIN all the time! I love your life and I'm glad you share those hilarious moments with us! The hairs . . . I'm dying!
After about 4 hours I started wondering if you were playing an April fools joke on me when you told me about the accident -- pictures are the proof!! Those boys crack me up!!!
Fun post! Sorry about the crash...I wish so bad that I had read about the deoderent yesterday...would have been perfect!
I can't wait for Neal to get home from the store so I can show him the hairy sticker. Awesome!!
Not awesome was the accident. Awesome was the attitude and all the insured love flying around. An April Fools Miracle!
That sticker is hilarious! Ginny stuck one of those Dr office stickers on her bicep and left it on all day. It WOULD NOT come off. The paper part did, but the sticky residue wouldn't budge. I ended up scrubbing it with alcohol and baby oil. Poor kid has a huge red square on her arm for a few days. I guess that's better than a receding hairline!!
Glad your crash turned out okay and I love that scripture challenge.
Bahahahahahahahahahah. i saved the picture of Cameron. That kids face just makes me smile. And the hair. bahahahah. Those rear-ending accidents are a dousy, lemme tell you! Any way i can get a copy of the scripture thing? That sounds neat!
Thanks for the plug for the prayer challenge. The fabulous part is a little suspect, but I am grateful for the good friend mention. I hope your “rejoicing” wasn’t tested all week long.
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