Happy St Patrick's Day! This morning I was trying to explain to Cameron that he needed to wear a shirt with green on it. He kept asking me OVER and OVER to clarify what I meant. Honestly, I was exaperated! I finally said "Cameron! Go get dressed and make sure you are wearing greeen!". Next thing I know Sam comes upstairs laughing and told me what Cameron said to him when he went downstairs: "Dad, I have to wear pants today or I will get pinched!".
**slam head into door**
You've had a birthday, shout hooray! Sam and Cameron both had birthdays this past week. Cameron turned 4 on the 9th and Sam turned 20 or 30-somethin' on the 12th. It was lots of fun!
For Cameron's birthday we went to lunch. He chose McDonalds which makes me laugh because he didn't even want to go down the slides. Isn't that the only reason kids want to go there?? Then again, he's not your normal kid. He's funnier!
That night we had cake and presents for him. I really love the age of 3 so I always have a little moment where I mourn the loss of my 3-year old. However, I have high hopes that Cameron will be a great 4-year old too! Hey, a mother can dream!
On Monday, we celebrated Sam's birthday by going downtown SLC and checking out the new City Creek Center and walking around in the beautiful Spring-ish weather. It was super awesome, plus, Lillie slept in her stroller the whole time!
Here are some Instagram pictures I took. I seriously love instagram!
After Temple Square we came home and Sam opened presents and then we made Hot Lava Cakes. Good times!
When I asked Sam what he wanted for his birthday, he said he just wanted a bunch of little gifts to open. So I had fun shopping at Target! I gave him pens, highlighters, legos, candy, Easter decor....you name it, he got it, as long as it was cheap! Well, the Legos weren't super cheap, but the kids were totally excited about dad's present!
Sam's REAL present was a fun surprise to give him. He's wanted Apple TV for a long time and I always dismiss the idea when he brings it up to me. So, I figured his birthday would be a great time to let him finally have it. However, a new version was coming out 4 days after his birthday! What to do??
Our friends, the Strong's, had a great idea. They printed a picture of a hand holding the Apple TV box. Then they cut it into puzzle pieces. The very center puzzle piece showed the Apple TV logo. I wrapped all the puzzle pieces in Easter Eggs, EXCEPT the piece that had the logo. Sam opened each egg and had to put the puzzle together. Once he had it together, I handed him a birthday card with the final piece inside. He was so happy. Enjoy the progression!
It was awesome! Thanks Davis and Holly for your help! Sam is not easy to surprise, he's a very curious soul. :)
In other news, Parker has lost so many teeth lately that I think we'll start calling him BillyBob.
Lillie is as fun as ever!
She is very advanced for her age...she's already practicing the sassy roll-your-eyes looks she will give me when she's a teenager.
Carson had an awards ceremony the other night for all the kids were came in 1st or 2nd place in the District Science Fair.
Next stop for Carson: The Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair at BYU at the end of the month. Can I get a party over here, a party over there, throw your hands in the air, shake your derriere? It's going to be a great experience for him!
Cameron has been rocking this shirt his cousin Mel made for him. Oh yeah!
This morning I went to a baby shower for my nephew and his wife. It was a St Patrick's Day themed shower....and everybody had to wear a mustache! Really funny! Here is Lillie and Sam's cousin Maureen. Hysterical!
Danielle (the mother-to-be) had to try out her Moby wrap on Lillie. Those things overwhelm the heck out of me but once Danielle got it all tied on, Lillie prolly could have stayed there all day!
Sam's mom "holding" Lillie. Don't worry, I put a pillow at her feet just in case Lillie went a slippin' and slidin'!
Finally, if you don't have the Cam Wow app on your phone, you need to try it. Endless fun!
Happy St Patrick's Day everyone! Remember, if you don't wear pants we will pinch you!
happy birthday to your boys! three's by far my favorite age, too!
i love the outfit lillie has one! are you loving having a girl?!
p.s. next time we hang out i need sam to give me a thorough lesson on camera tricks. his shots are looking awesome!!!
Remind me to keep a close eye when Fontella "holds" my baby:)
You and Sam do the best things for each other!
Ewwwwww!! Those last pictures are given me the chivers!!! Your kids are the cutest!!!
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