So I just emptied my fridge and wiped down all the shelves and threw out some pretty gross things. Once I put everything back, I realized something. I buy entirely too many drinks and not enough food! So, will each of you please open your fridge and let me know your top 5 food items that you buy? I need some ideas!
I guess you mean top 5 things in my fridge.
1-eggs (I see you already have those)
5-yogurt (lately-we go in spurts)
And there's almost always leftovers but we don't buy those.
Drinks are fine. I know I always have a drink when I come to your house. We have: eggs - lettuce - onions - apples and lots of condiments
Update your blog.
chill out, it's been less than 24 hours!
I'm disappointed that no one has wanted to share what is in their refrigerator. How are you going to know what to buy?
I know! I guess I should look through some recipe books or something!
Hey, I have a cousin named Kris who is a hippie vegetarian! Is that you? If so, how is Seattle treating you? Broccoli makes me gag, but I love pears, good suggestion!
Hello, where are your meats?!!
lunch meat-
fruit- apples, grapes cantelope are great right now
carrots- you know carson loves to dip them
what no diet coke??
leftovers... come to my house and get some!
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