If you are a first time home buyer and you live somewhere that gets snowstorms, here's a great tip: Buy a home that faces South. The first picture is of my neighbor's house directly across the street. They always have to shovel their driveway when it snows or else it turns into an icy mess. The second picture is of my yard. We usually do not have to shovel the driveway because the sun just melts it away! It's pretty sweet!
If you live in Rexburg it doesn't matter what side of the street you live on. Everybody shovels.
You are right. I should have specified "If you live in the arctic climate of Rexburg just forget about living on the southside. What you need is a strong back, a sweet shovel, and a down filled coat with a wool lining"
But if you plant crocuses on the south side of your house (even in Rexburg) they give you hope for spring. They are usually the first things out of the ground. Unfortunately ours are still buried in mounds of snow that came from the driveway we do have to shovel.
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