12 years ago today I became Sweet.
12 years ago today people quit asking me "So are you dating anybody?" and started asking me "So, when are you going to have your first baby?"
12 years later...3 baby boys later...lots more gray hair...more wrinkles...and a lot of shared memories...
What a great 12 years it's been!
Sam surprised me yesterday and told me he had planned a date for us and had already made all the arrangements. At that point I didn't care at all what we did, I was just so excited to have a night out with my husband! Yay!!!
We went and saw a movie (The Other Guys, it was really funny but pretty crude....grrrrr, crudeness is a pet peeve of mine) and had dinner at Ruby River. Eating at Ruby River for our anniversary has become a tradition for us. As we walked into the restaurant, they asked us if we were celebrating anything. We told them it was our anniversary. From that point on we received the golden treatment! Our waiter asked us about the big day, the restaurant manager came to our table and asked us about our anniversary, and then at the end of the night, when we were sooooo full, they brought us a HUGE ice cream mud pie free of charge. Oh my goodness, I felt bad because I knew we couldn't even put a dent in that ice cream pie.....but lo and behold, the plate was practically licked clean by the time we left! Ice cream, it just settles into the empty spaces in your stomach!

After dinner Sam announced the next stop on our anniversary date: We were heading up Little Cottonwood canyon to Snowbird and riding the Tram up to the top of the mountain! Originally we were going for an astronomy class and look at the stars through huge telescopes, but it was a cloudy day so that part was cancelled. It's all good, the tram was still tons of fun!
Here we are, about to get on the tram:
Pictures taken from inside the Tram on the way up the mountain:
Pictures taken from 11,000 feet. It was COLD! Windy and 45 degrees, but soooo beautiful!
A few minutes before the Tram was scheduled to go back down the mountain I was freezing so I told Sam I'd meet him back inside the Tram. He was still taking pictures at the time. As I was waiting I was looking at the beautiful mountains, Salt Lake City to my left and Heber and the High Uintas to my right, and was totally zoning out. Suddenly some loud noises brought me back to the present. I turned around, and the Tram driver was shutting the doors and getting ready to go back down to Snowbird. I had to say "WAIT, my husband is still out there!" Then I had to go find him while everybody was waiting on us. I couldn't stop laughing because what if I was zoning so much I didn't realize we were leaving? Can you imagine poor Sam back on top of the mountain? Oh man, that would have been a long hike back down! ha ha ha!
Once we were back at the bottom, we found a trail and went exploring. It was so nice and unrushed because Sam had taken care of arrangements with the babysitter. It honestly was just a perfect evening!
Sam informed me that I'm in charge of planning next year's anniversary date. I better start thinking now because he did a tremendous job of making me feel loved and appreciated! Thank you Sam! Here's to many more adventures and memories for years to come! I love you!
You're welcome! We always have fun regardless of what we do!
Congratulations. Also, I love your hair. I hadn't noticed that you went blond. It looks great!
What a fun date! Sam needs to have a talk with DJ... he thinks that if he goes grocery shopping with me that it counts as a date. Oh well, I actually appreciate any time away from the kids.
Now you get to put up with people asking you when you are having a girl. So, when are you? :)
Way to go, Sam! You two seem to have fun no matter the occasion! Love you both.
Congratulations! What a fun date. (That was Ed and I's first date - funny!)
Well you seem really happy, what's your secret? Just complete awesomeness? And I'm totally jealous, my Snowbird pictures never look that great. Your photography is getting amazing whoever "you" may be. (Sam or Carrie)
No date with Sam is complete without a near disaster averted, right? Glad he made it down the tram.
I had a dream last night that Neal and I both forgot our anniversary. I was so upset. Glad it was a dream. I hope our anniversary is fun like yours.
I have missed Internet - but have it now ! Happy anniversary!! Next year..... Pedicure, a room with a jacuzzi!!
So you're saying approximately 12 years ago I walked full force into the sliding glass door at your parents house! You know, I wouldn't have minded the episode so much if it haden't been for the enormous greasy face mark I left on the glass. I could have done without that! Happy Anniversary!
Sounds like a great anniversary! Here's to you!
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