I've never been "tagged" before so I guess in the blogging world, that means I'm not very popular! Well, that's nothing new!! :)
My husband: Samuel Levi Sweet
How long have you been together? We've been married for 9 years and our dating time is questionable...it's a long story.
How old is he? Um...31, I think...
Who eats more? From the looks of it, you'd think I did, but I swear Sam does. He likes to eat in restaurants with me because I can never finish my plate so he does it for me.
Who said "I love you" first? Sam did, it was very tender
Who is taller? Sam is
Who sings better? It's not even a contest, Sam sings WAY better than me. When I sing Carson gets mad because I'm out of tune and he yells "That's NOT how it goes!!"
Who is smarter? That depends...are we talking about guessing how long it will take us to get from point A to point B or something else like deciding how to make a pulley system out of the garbage can? I'll let you figure that one out.
Whose temper is worse? Again, it all depends on the situation. On average I'd say my temper is worse but don't ever get around Sam when he's got road rage! :)
Who does the laundry? This is my "dirty little secret"...I actually really enjoy doing the laundry. In fact, I'm doing laundry right now! I love sorting the clothes, changing the loads, folding the clothes, and putting them away!
Who does the dishes? Before I was prego, I always made sure the dishes were cleaned up every night before I went to bed. Ever since the pregnancy, Sam is a trooper and he has taken on this role for me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. It's furthest from the door. I hoped that would make the kids wake Sam up at night instead of me, but alas, the kids just walk around the bed so they can wake me up.
Who pays the bills? I do. It's another one of those things I really enjoy doing.
Who mows the lawn?: That's a funny story...Sam insisted we buy a lawn mower that is not self propelled...so he always mows the lawn! :)
Who cooks dinner? I'm ashamed to say Johnny Carino's, Wingers, Cafe Rio, Wendy's, Taco Bell....unless it's Sundy and then my awesome parents cook!
Who drives when you are together? When we only had the Bonneville, Sam always drove. Now that we have the Odyssey, I prefer to drive.
Who is more stubborn? Usually me, but in a "stand off" Sam will always say "who wants it more?" and then it winner is declared.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Sam-I-Am
Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, I would never miss out on a home cooked Sunday dinner!
Who kissed who first? sam kissed me, with a flower in his mouth!!
Who asked who out? Honestly, I'm not sure. We were set up by our friends Nat and Neal and then we just started hanging out from that point on.
Who propsed? Sam did, and it took me by surprise!
Who is more sensitive? I am
Who has more friends? We have the same friends so I guess we're even
Who has more siblings? Sam does, he is the youngest of 8
Who wears the pants in the family? Um...I guess overall I do...
I am tagging:
Natalie S.
Ooh I like this tagging thing. I learn so much fun details. I never got tagged before either. Oh how I wished I enjoyed laundry.
I hire out...
how's tomorrow looking for you?
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