I wanted him to pick orange sooooo bad! It's my favorite color AND it's perfect for Halloween. However, there was a glow in the dark variety and once Parker learned about it, he wouldn't listen to anything I said. Ah well, glow in the dark is cool too I suppose...
By the time we left the doctor's office, the cast was rock hard. I overheard Parker and Carson having a disagreement about something and then Parker said "If you don't listen to me I will hit you over the head with my cast!". I seriously laughed so hard into my hand and then I said, very sternly, "Parker! Don't you EVER hit somebody with your cast or your broken arm will be the least of your worries!". ha ha ha!
At least he can bend his arm now. I actually like the hard cast way better.
On the other side of the fireplace we have #1 who is 9.
We celebrated his birthday by going to a 3D bugs movie at the Planetarium. It was so awesome! Carson and Parker kept reaching out in front of them, trying to touch the bugs. I leaned over to Sam and said "Look at the boys, they are totally reaching!" Sam said "I want to reach too, this is so crazy!".
After the movie we went to dinner at CPK and then headed home to welcome both sides of the family for caramel apples. It was so much fun! Thanks to everybody who made an effort to come over, it meant a lot to Carson.
He's been begging me for a bathrobe since he turned 8 I think. I hate the thought of wrapping up in a stifling bath robe after a shower so it never crossed my mind that he was serious. ha ha! To make a long story short, he was serious, and he was really happy about this gift!
As cousins and aunts/uncles started signing Parker's cast, he was totally unaffected by the attention. He just wanted to eat his delicious caramel apple!
Guess what my parents gave Carson for his birthday? They gave him REALLY CREEPY Hermit Crabs! Oh my gosh, these things freak me out to say the least. Every once in awhile I'll hear them scratching in their cage. AGHHHH!!!!
Today we gave them a bath, yes that's right, a bath. The instructions say we have to submerge them in water every other day. Holy cow did it make them active! They were crawling all over the place after that! Carson named them "Crabby" and "Patty", if you are a spongebob fan, that will make perfect sense.
And finally, Parker's last soccer game was on Saturday. The trophies this year are amazing! It's like a bunch of nuts and bolts welded together. Very fun!
i have to be honest-- the idea of a 3D bug movie really creeps me out- but i am glad you had a great time!! my family and i are still a little freaked out that our baby carson is 9!!! to many memories of him curled up on the couch with mel or running across the kitchen floor in his soft cloud pants mel made him-- wow- i need to come back to the future i am getting way to nastalgic (sp?)
Nathan loved the picture of the crab, he wants one too. I don't know how I would feel about bathing them. I love the trophy!
A bathrobe? Seriously? A bath robe? Yikes. Watch out Hugh Heffner. That's funny!
I've been a major blog watching slacker and I just got caught up on yours. You are so HILARIOUS! Thanks for making me smile today.
Spencer wanted a memory foam pad for his b-day! Silly boys!
Ah, Carrie, you love those little crabs, and you know it!! I love how both your boys have such individual tastes--not really conforming to what others are doing! Love 'em all!
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