Sunday morning I was getting ready for the day when I heard Cameron in his room saying "ewwww" over and over. Usually this is code for "I just pooped my pants and my room smells like a friggin sewer, come change me!" I needed about 10 more minutes before I was ready so I chose to ignore the "ewwww's" just a little longer. I finally walked into his dark room. I wasn't hit with the stench of death AKA dirty diaper smell, but Cameron kept saying "ewwww". So I flipped on the light to this:
Of course, this picture was taken after I had removed the bloody pajamas and bloody blankets.
I don't know how, but Cameron got an awesome bloody nose at some point during the night. It was pretty gross and almost hork-worthy, but I kept my jaw set firm. Into the tub for him! Unfortunately, while he was in his bath, his bloody nose kept roaring to life again and again. He was in the water for a good 40 minutes. I figured that was the safest place for a baby with an unlimited blood supply.
I just kept adding more hot water so his experience would be nice and cozy. Even after I got him ready for church I would look at him and he would have blood running down to his lips. Crazy kid! Luckily it didn't start up at church!
Speaking of bloody noses...
My kids are back on track after having 3 weeks off school. I gotta admit, this was the first time ever that I DREADED my kids going back to school. I think I'm finally learning to appreciate the comedic timing of my kids and the constant entertainment!
As I picked Parker up from school today I said "how was school?" Now, just to let you know, we've had blizzard-type conditions ALL DAY today! Parker said the following:
Well, you know how the ground is really slick? Well, I fell down....but then I got I KNEW I was okay. But then I fell down again and got a bloody nose....AND my lips felt like they were pushing into my teeth!" I guess that means a bloody nose and a fat lip?? He never talked about it again, but that's Parker for you. He never makes a big deal out of anything!
Tonight at dinner time Carson was telling me about a scary movie he saw at school today. I don't know why, but I grabbed the video camera and I'm so glad I did...Parker's answer to my question is priceless!
your kids are soo friekin hilarious!! my eyes won't stop watering!!! thanks for the laugh!!
p.s. -i am sooo glad that isn't poop on camerons face!!!
When you talked about surprises in the form of kids, I thought, "Ooo Ooo oooo!! She's having a girl!" But then I saw a face covered in what I thought was poop, and realized it was a different surprise. I was actually relieved it was blood. Is that crazy? And, sorry Carrie, I don't think your boy has an UNlimited blood supply. I'm pretty sure it's limited at some point. Just thought I'd let you know.
And, thanks for making me want to be a better parent. I often find myself laughing at my kids because I think, "I could grouch right now, but that's not what Carrie would do. She would laugh." Maybe I'll get a ring that says "WWCD?" You're a great example. For reals.
What Fern said!
I thought it was so awesome when my boys were excited to say the prayer, then I later found out it was because they thought my prayers were too long! hehehe
Ya, I thought it was poop too. Reese pulled the poop surprise with us last year... disgusting!!
It looks like Cameron got his Dad's bloody nose gene. Time to break out the humidifier.
Funny boys!!!
Okay girl, it is time to write a stinking novel about your life and your children. People would not believe this stuff, unless you hadn't supported the stories with photography and video. Thanks for making me laugh constantly!
ps: my word verification is ching...that's kinda funny...right
That is awesome. I love taht Parker. HE is too cute. I am glad he is in our primary class I will be sad next year when he isn't! LOve his response!
No me, no meeeee meeee, meeee. That's the best. I love how Cameron has to have in on the "me" action.
My favorite part of this was after the boys getting so hyped about saying the prayer you tell them to get reverent...isn't that like closing the barn door after the horse is out? So funny!
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