Like mother like son.
What comes around goes around.
Lemme esplain.
When I was 5 I was playing on the neighbor's trampoline. I fell off and my elbow hurt real bad. I told my parents it was broken but they didn't believe me. I must say, now that I'm a parent, I understand why they didn't believe are always dramatic! Anywho, they didn't take me to the doctor until the next day because I wouldn't stop whining. Turns out, I had a broken elbow!
I was in Kindergarten and it was my left elbow:
Precious eh?
Fast forward 30 some odd years....
Our net enclosure around our trampoline has a hole in it. It just happened a few days ago. This morning Parker, Carson, and their cousin Nick were jumping on the trampoline. They were playing some crazy game where they close their eyes and...surprise....Parker fell off the trampoline. He cried and then was fine.
A few hours later they went back outside to jump on the trampoline. I told them not to play that ridiculous game of closing their eyes whilst jumping.
So they didn't. Instead, they played tag. Parker was trying to get out of the way...and fell off the trampoline...AGAIN. This time I couldn't get him to stop crying. He was holding his left wrist and freaked out if I got too close to touching it.
I took him to the instacare...yadda yadda yadda...his left arm is broken.
I guess it's true, if you wait long enough, history DOES repeat itself! Parker is in Kindergarten and it's his left arm.
At least I don't have to hear the guilt trip about not taking him to the doctor for the rest of my life! ha ha ha, just kidding mom and dad!
Oh! Poor boy! I wish he was wearing his "I read 100 books" shirt.
Seriously, that's hard when a kid gets hurt. We haven't had any broken bones yet. Just stitches a few times and a cut off finger. I guess the broken bone will happen one of these days.
I love your broken bone picture! You had lots and lots of hair!
It's pretty cute how matter-of-fact Parker is about it. No whining, no 'poor me' syndrome. He's the same (if not a little better) and just being careful with it. Carson and I were practicing throwing a football and when Parker walked by he said very seriously, "don't throw the ball to me!"
Wow! Is your left arm naturally a bit longer than your right arm, or does the cast just make it look that way?
Parker looks darling with his cast, though. Such a cute boy!
Poor kid! What a crazy story. Nice pic of you by the way. Don't tell me history repeats itself cuz a lot of stuff happened to Brian when he was a youngster.
ditto to parker being such a cute boy! i am bringing him a special something from ny--- pays to be accident prone!!
Oh so cute! Something about casts get me right here!
I broke my arm in kindergarten. Who knew that you shouldn't swing while wearing skates!
Whilst is seriously one of the best words evah!!!
Oh, and sorry about Parker!
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