The last one is only funny because it's so true/common. I honestly cannot believe some of the stuff people write on Facebook. Remember who your FB friends are: co-workers, long-time friends, recent acquaintances, neighbors, relatives.... You can quickly weave a tangled web with some of the status updates if you aren't careful.
Oh man, I don't know how to make these small enough so you can see the whole status update. This one reads: My mom thinks "lol" means "lots of love" She texted me: "your Grandma has just died. LOL"

This one reads: If you type your Facebook password in a comment box it comes up as Stars!!! **********hahaaaa!! Awesome! Look at the last comment, so funny!

This one reads: Does not want to work today....

Lucky for me, I love my job. I also love my "office" since it's at home so I have never been tempted to write something as stupid as that person did! :)
Speaking of ridiculous costumes (what??)....
Okay, I've come to peace with it so I can show you what Carson chose as his costume:
This penguin is cute, but it's something a toddler should wear...not a 10 year old boy! I wanted him to be a super hero, a skeleton, or even Mario/Luigi but he would NOT budge. I had to be careful with my words so I said "Carson, other kids your age will probably wear something a little scarier. I just don't want you to feel bad if other kids sort of, you know....laugh.". He said "MOM! Penguins can be super scary! When they get mad they do THIS!" and then he proceeded to put his hands on his hips (remember, we are at a Halloween Spirit store with lots of scary things AND scary people around us) and lunge forward with his head. Sort of like a chicken pecking for corn on the ground....but a chicken on steroids. Kind of like how mad a chicken would be if you insulted his mama. It took every bit of will-power I possessed not to laugh out loud. I asked him about 3 more times if he was "absolutely sure he wanted to be a penguin" and then we purchased that blasted piece of felt-turned-penguin and exited the place.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one thing: He wanted a baby blue penguin!!! I finally put my foot down and made him get the traditional black/white penguin. I just have to say....nobody prepared me for times like this when I started having kids. When will the insanity end?
Ok, I am reading this @ a freaking long, late dress rehearsal for a stake music thing, and I am using every bit of self-control I posess to not bust out laughing and bang on my drums!!!! And they're singing a slow, boring "Phantom of the Opera" song. I'm being so very irreverent. Oh, so very funny! You just made my night.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Thst is GREAT Carrie. I don't even know what to say, but there are too many times Tanner does things and I think..."Come on kid, can you not see yourself!!!!" No wonder those two get along so great....I'm sure Tanner's going to LOVE it!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA Oh my heck that was a good post! We'll have to come vist the blue penguin! I think you should make a HUGE bow tie and then he can he the pengiun off of Toy Story!
Bahahahahahah. I LIterally just laughed out loud in my dorm room. Hahah, awesome. I laughed so hard on the 1st facebook post and on the mental picture you created of carson being a 'scary penguin' hahaha. Love that kids are different!
What a random, great kid! I wish I could see him in person.
No way! GET OUT!! (shove) . Guess which 13 year old was that very same penguin last year? KATE! It must be something about those October 9 babies. So, if its cool enough for a teenager, its probably okay for a 10 year old too!
Oh man, that is great! What a good mom you are for letting him be the penguin. I'm guessing that Carson won't care one lick about what kids might think. That kid is so funny! Buy him dome of those squeeky shoes, then he would really be that Toy Story penguin. Can't wait for some pictures...
I'm so glad you're still blogging. All of the people I was following two years ago have quit and I was so happy to see you still here.
This sounds like Carson will give you many laughs for years to come. Funny post.
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