OH yah, plus my mums are in full bloom. I seriously love mums, they are not just for funerals anymore!
Because Fern is so crafty, I thought I'd share her latest creations with you:
Aren't they ghoulishly terrific? Finger molds, different colors of chocolate, and big ol' pretzels (or as Parker calls them "pencils"). I loved these!
You know what else I love? The pumpkins Fern painted for my boys this year!
Carson wanted a spider, oh it's so creepy!!:
Parker wanted "Little Mac" from Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. Seriously, this character is not a main character, he appears quickly and goes away. I was lucky we found a picture on the internet of him! Parker could not be swayed though, and he is completely satisfied by his pumpkin results!
Cameron wanted "Max and Ruby", which is the cutest cartoon for kids, in my opinion! He loves it. He just kept pointing to each bunny and saying "Max!"...."Ruby!"...
In other news....
Don't tell Parker that he did a great job making the sun, because he'll glare at you and say "It's not the sun!!! It's a lion!!!"
Another thing. Potty Talk jars do NOT work in my house. I am constantly telling Parker to quit with the potty talk, he loves it. So, on his own, Carson made a "potty talk jar". Every time you say something ridiculous like "butt, weiner, poo, pee...." you have to put $.5 in the jar. The ink on the label hadn't even had a chance to dry when Parker ran downstairs, grabbed all his nickels, and came upstairs saying every potty talk word he could think of as he dropped nickel after nickel into the jar. *****sigh****
Oh hey, remember that big tree that fell down in my yard awhile ago? It left some crazy roots to boot. After breaking our neighbor's jeep, we decided to rent the stump grinder (or as my dad called it, the grump stinder). It was loud and messy, but it got the job done! We had a stump in our front yard as well because we had cut down a tree this past spring. We definitely got our money's worth from the rental!
Hey look, we got some grass where the huge gaping hole used to be! Here's hoping the roots stick and this patch blends in come springtime!
I took Carson to the Halloween Spirit store to find him a costume (because I can't sew and don't have the fight in me for creating a costume). You will NEVER guess what he chose. OH my, I hope the kids don't laugh at him..... I tried to get him to be something awesome like a skeleton but his mind was made up.... More on that later.
ooohhh i can't wait to see what he picked! i can only imagine...
i love wearing orange, too! i bought a cute orange and cream striped cardigan a couple of months ago but refuse to wear it until this baby pops out because i don't want to be accused of looking like a pumpkin!
loved talking with you today!
Oh I'm so sick of potty talk but not near as nice as you...I have used soap and then I threaten with soap and that usually works for a long time until they forget what soap tastes like. I think I have the right to not have to hear the word wiener a million times a day but then again I'm quite outnumbered.
If you are still in need of a costume for Cameron, I have the cutest Tom Arma Elephant size 3. Addison wore is when she was just barely 2-it was a bit big but got the job done.
Agreed on Max & Ruby-Addison still LOVES that show.
ok i HAVE to know what he chose-- i'm patient like that!! text me!!
Painting pumpkins? What a wonderful idea. Fern is quite the artist! I love the Max and Ruby one too. What happens when Halloween is over? Do you have to throw away the beautifully painted pumpkins?
ohh, the suspense...I can't wait to see what he got. I saw those cute pumpkins...Fern is so talented. As for potty talk, we've got it at our house too and it's just so much fun. I tried the "super nanny" can only say potty words in the bathroom, well they decided they would just go in the bathroom and talk potty for ever...got old quick.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the potty talk jar! I am so trying that with Braxton. I mostly love though that your boys thought it was hilarious!!!!!!!!! ha ha! you are the funniest!
I wish I had a Fern in my life...she is so ingenious!
I like potty talk and it makes me laugh when my kids say it. Unless it's in front of people I'm trying to impress. Then I'm embarrassed and ashamed. Oh, the mixed signals I give my poor children. Funny one moment, trouble the next.
Can't wait to hear what Carson chose for the costume.
my word verification is boydoc. He must be Boy George's doctor.
That Fern is one talented lady. We found a candy mold for chocolate rats on pretzel sticks. They are so cool/gross. I made some white ones with pink eyes.
Reese loves "Max and Booby" too. She just started saying it right and it makes me sad. I guess I like potty talk like Nat does.
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