So....back to last Saturday.
Snowbird was having a Customer Appreciation Day. All you need to do is bring a can of food for the food bank, and you get to ride the tram for free. Sam and I enjoyed the tram ride so much on our anniversary we decided to head back with our whole crew so they could all experience it.
It was great fun! We went with our friends, the Colasurdo's. As we were driving up the canyon, the weather was very sketchy. Lots of swing-low-sweet-chariot clouds. It was cold and we were expecting snow, especially in the higher elevations. Did I mention the top of the mountain is 11,000 feet?
I snapped a ton of pictures while Sam was driving because the red foliage was mostly gone from the trees, but the bright yellow leaves were screaming at me from between the dark green evergreens. So purdy.
Side note, a few weeks ago I emailed Sam's dad in New York because I needed to know his parent's names for a family tree project Carson was working on in scouts. I've never met Sam's dad before and in the email I asked him about the fall colors on his New York trees. He emailed me back and said he'd take some pictures for us. I was pleasantly surprised when we received a package from him in the mail, full of New York fall colors! They were beautiful! Thanks Sid! Here's some Utah colors for you.
On the Tram. Parker was so excited. Carson was so scared. Those two boys are so different in so many ways, yet they are great friends. I love it because it keeps life interesting.
Speaking of got nothin'.
Attempt at a family picture. There's Parker being difficult again, punk kid. There was snow and it was cold, but it was free!
I think this is why my butt was all wet with melted snow. Busted!
Greatest picture of Sam. Ever.
Knit gloves. Who invented those things? How are you supposed to throw a decent snowball when the snow just sticks to your hand? I think it's a big conspiracy. Don't EVEN get me started on trying to get little fingers in each of the finger tubes....
Holla Mindy and Pete! You guys are radical, gnarley, and bodacious friends.
Okay you too Cameron, you rock.
Oh that's where Parker gets his random-ness. This blog answers all sorts of my previously unanswered questions. That's not even my kid. I think Sam just picked her up at the top of the mountain. Okay kidding about that last part. This would be Cameron's future bride. It's already arranged. You didn't think that sort of thing happened anymore? Consider yourself corrected.
Can't wait for the next "Customer Appreciation Day". If the weather is nice, maybe we should hike down the mountain instead of riding the tram down. Oh wait, nevermind. My neighbor did that and the tips of his toes turned blue with bruises because his toes kept crunching into his shoes because the trail is so steep. No thank you, the tram ride down is way too pleasant. I'm good!
Tomorrow is the Halloween parade at school. Can't wait to see Bumblebee Parker and Waddling Penguin Carson! Cameron is going to be a frog. I'm already training him to say "Trick or Treat! Riiiibbbiittttt!"
It was a good time. However, next time I am going to put everyone in proper winter clothes so we can stay and play a little longer. It really was beautiful up there on the top of the world.
The picture of Sam in mid-air is great. That might be a good one to blow up, frame and hang somewhere in the house.
Finger tubes? I guess that's and accurate discription.
Great picture of Sam. I have a similar picture of him up in the air like that on Ferns trampoline after his missionary "farewell" before you even knew there was a Sam out there!
Don't be too worried about Utah oddities. There are plenty of places doing trick-or-treating on Saturday and/or Sunday.
Yes, blow up that picture into a wall mural... that would be awesome!!
We have had 2 groups of trick or treaters on this "day of rest". Luckily we still had a bit of candy left.
When we were in Indiana, we came to know that almost all of the small towns and cities celebrated Halloween on Saturday; in fact, Crawfordsville designates 5:00 - 7:00 as trick-or-treating time. I think they have it right!!!
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