The day I brought the food storage in the house and stacked it on the table, Parker carried every bit of it downstairs to the laundry room. He couldn't carry an entire case of canned goods, so he took the cans down, two at a time! Why would he do such a nice thing? Because I told him I'd pay him a dollar! Bribery, it's a beautiful thing!!!
The chairs/kids have not fallen off the ledge in the kitchen because for now, the kids eat at the counter and not the table. We need to paint the kitchen railing, it's next on our "project" list. :) Sam is almost done hanging and painting the crown molding, it looks so good!
That picture Parker drew? It's Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost (emphasis on the Holy Ghost). He was so excited to show me how well he drew it (upper left corner). Gotta love Parker!
Here are pictures of my food storage shelves:
Some items I stock, but not limited to:
ketchup, cake mixes, brownie mixes, peanut butter, tomato soup, cream of chicken/cream of mushroom soup, all kinds of pasta, green chiles, black beans, refried beans, chicken broth, BBQ sauce, sliced peaches, brown sugar, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, spaghettios, canned chicken, lots of different seasoning packets, honey, canned tomato products, Prego, oil, corn syrup, water, cereal, oatmeal, home canned apple sauce and apple pie filling, TP, Paper towels......and lots of other miscellaneous stuff!
I've been shopping the sales like crazy to get everything stocked up, but even with all the work I've done on it over the past few weeks I still feel like I have a long ways to go. Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps.
What do you do when you have lots of stale marshmallows? We like to shoot them from cool sling shots that Aunt Fern gave the boys!
Superman pajamas are optional.
Gosh I have a lot to say about Parker in this post. That's okay because he's a middle child and could use the attention, right?
So, the other day Carson, Parker, and I were watching "America's Funniest Videos". There was a montage of babies tasting something sour for the first time. It was Hu-Stare-Ic-All! Carson and I were laughing our guts out. Parker just glared at us and finally ran downstairs and into his bed. I went downstairs to ask him what was wrong. He was crying and said "It's not FAIR that you and Carson get to laugh and I don't!!!" Oh my word, it was so irrational I couldn't help but laugh! Of course laughing just made it worse. The only way I could get Parker to stop crying was to get a 5-lb weight and hide it under Carson's pillow. I said "Look Parker, when Carson comes to bed he will be so surprised!" That did the trick. Parker laughed. Gladly, Carson didn't hit his head too hard when he went to bed that night! I could hear Parker giggling about it from upstairs. All is well with the world!
Tonight we decided to decorate for Halloween. Everything was going smoothly until Parker fell off the stairs that lead to the garage floor....he landed forehead first. It was so freaky, I thought "I'm going to the hospital to get stitches in Parker's head OR to have him treated for a concussion, OR both." However, lots of screams, some Childrens Motrin, a bubble bath, and a good book later, he was back to normal, which is all relative anyway, right? This picture doesn't even do it justice, it was so sad. The goosebump was so large that it had puss coming out of it. **shudder**
Once he calmed down, we decorated for Halloween! Yay!!! Just to put you in a freaky mood, check out this picture Sam took of Parker....he must have blinked right when the picture was taken. His eyes and open and closed. It's scary!
I had to take pictures of my kids wearing funny glasses and funny wigs that were in my Halloween box. Cameron was obsessed with staring at himself in the mirror with the glasses and wig on. It was so funny!
One final thought:
I have something bizarre on my knee. It's a red dot and about 1 1/2 inches all around the red dot it's swollen, red, and you can feel heat radiating from it. I'm guessing spider bite but I don't want to go to the doctor because what if it's just a zit? Do you know how embarrassing that would be??? I looked up "spider bite images" on Google today to see if I could self diagnose, which is always a brilliant idea, right? WRONG! What I saw made me feel like barfing! NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT LOOK UP SPIDER BITE IMAGES EVER AGAIN!
I would show you a picture of my knee,'s been a few days since I shaved my legs. I'm already embarrassed by the big zit, I think that's enough for now!
your food storage is beautiful - it brings a tear to my eye.
That picture is FREAKY!!! The big goose egg doesn't help... poor guy.
Your zit sounds like a spider bite. DJ gets them all of the time, and they get really big sometimes. He just puts hydrocortisone cream on it and it goes away after a few days. A co worker got bit by a hobo(the spider not the bum)and it looked like a bullet had ripped through his leg. That was gagalicious.
P.S. I'm jealous of your food storage.
I'm jealous of your food storage, I can't wait till I get that much! I never feel like I have enough so I know the feeling!
Parker makes me laugh, what a cute kid. Don't be to alarmed about head injuries, infact if you ever wonder if you should seek a DR. call me first and I can tell ya after all of Austin's head injuries I think I've seen it all. From broken fore head bones to serious concusions to "closed head trauma" we've done it all! The CT Scan on a child is super fun as well!
i know where i'm headed when there's a natural disaster! you're seriously my food storage hero!
love this update! i am in need of my boy fix!! i am off work thursday and friday!!
Well, I know where I'm coming when it all goes down the crapper!
I love what a simple dollar will do....
And...It's totally a boil/zit...I had one when Chris and I were first married and it was NASTY!!! If you don't pop it, the Dr. will have to lance I suggest popping it ASAP!!!
Your zit might be a syst....When you pop it if it looks like cottage cheese and smells HORRIBLE then it is most likely one....NASTY!
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