Cameron wants to be just like Carson and Parker, which is cute at first. Then it can be slightly frustrating. If Carson talks potty talk, so does Cameron. If Parker says he doesn't want to go to bed, then neither does Cameron.
For the last month, Cameron has a melt down every time Carson and Parker go to school because HE WANTS TO GO TO SCHOOL TOO!!! I thought I was being clever when I "played school" at home...I was the teacher, Cameron was the student. There may have been paper, pencils, crayons, and scissors involved as well. That lasted for about 3 minutes, then Cameron got wise to me. He was ticked. I'd like to think it's because he's smart,not because my pretend-skills were lacking.
I knew I was in a losing battle. So, I asked my sister-in-law, who is a preschool teacher at a local elementary school, about my predicament. She told me that her school offers a class for "young 3's", which is for kids who are almost 3 or just turned 3. I was elated! I contacted the school district offices and snagged the last opening they had.
Cameron started school yesterday. He goes Tuesdays and Thursdays for 1 1/2 hours. It's barely enough time to grocery shop and maybe get gas by myself, but it is enough time for Cameron to feel independent and soooooo happy! He pretty much thinks he's big man on campus right now!
I'll admit though, I was a little sad when he stood with his classmates, getting ready to head inside the school. The child won't be 3 until next month! He's going to have over 2 years of preschool. Here's hoping he REALLY loves it!!
Oh, I almost forgot to mention Valentines Day!! I had a nice day. For Sam, I decided to iron all his shirts instead of buying him a gift. To you, this may seem sooo lame. But, you need to know our history....
Sam always irons his own shirts. He doesn't iron ahead of time though, so each morning he heads to the laundry room to iron his shirt for that day. That's just how it's been for the duration of our marriage. Ironing has just not been written on my "to do" list. I thought that would be so awesome because that will save him tons of time each morning. took me almost 4 hours to get it done! Sam has 21 shirts that needed ironing! I'll save you the trouble and do the math myself: it took me on average, 11 minutes per shirt. I know that's a long time, but I wanted these shirts to be PERFECT! Plus, I had to deal with Cameron too so some of that time was spent dealing with the small child. Regardless, it was a major undertaking. Sam was so surprised and LOVED it, so it was all worth it! Next year I may just take them to the cleaners to be pressed! :)
Sam brought home a beautiful bouquet of roses for me and some awesome pajamas. I guess he's tired of seeing me in mens plaid pajama bottoms and an old T-shirt. ha ha! Who says romance isn't alive after 12+ years of marital bliss?!?
We played games with friends that night and really enjoyed their company, it was a great day!
This morning Parker woke up a few hours before he needed to. He said "I can't sleep!". Sam and I both just told him to lay down and rest his eyes. By the time I got up at 6:30am, Parker was burning up. Uh-oh....he's got a fever. Too bad too, he was supposed to get his "climbing higher" award at school today. It's an award they only get once per year. Their name gets called over the intercom at school, they head to the library and get a picture with the principal, and get taped for the whole school to watch on TV on Friday morning. I called the school to see if they could push it back a week and they said they were unable to because there are so many students it would be too hard. Bummer. Parker was pretty bugged. Oh well, a fever is a fever is a fever is a fever. Parker makes for one of the cutest sick kids around though, so it's kind of fun that I get to hang with him all day. He says stuff like: "Mom, I feel fine until I stand up, then everything gets weird and my legs are weak and my head sort of hurts...." then he get a confused look and slowly lays back down. So sweet.
I'm going to make my husband read this post so he can see how romantic ironing can be. Ironing is ALWAYS on my "to do" list, but when it actually gets off my list I expect a celebration or at least dinner out. I've gotten mine down to 2 minutes a shirt (after 11 years, I figure if he wants perfection, he can do it himself), but since it's always on my list, the 400 shirts still takes 4 hours. I watch TV while I iron, so when Elliot suggested that we get rid of the TV, he didn't know that ironing his shirts also goes with it. Sucker.
We could title that first picture of Cameron "Thomas the Train Richard Nixon" (both hands up in the air but without the victory sign).
Gotta love your sons....
Uncle Phil
i lovethose pictures of cam! especially the forced smile!! i am with whitney- i watch tv while i iron- no tv, no ironing!!!!
I love that he started preschool. He looks so proud of himself.
Ditto and Ditto... Reese is so stinkin bored being stuck with mom all day. She has started throwing some wicked tantrums. It's lovely. Also, I have never ironed for DJ. Luckily, he has to wear polos and khaki's. I buy the wrinkle free pants and hang them up straight from the dryer. No ironing here. That was a pretty awesome gift. Very creative.
Omg, that first picture of Cameron is priceless. LIke can you please let me have a copy so i can frame it and put some cheesy comment underneath like: . . idk, something clever. haha.
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