Last night Sam went to bed pretty early. I waited until I thought he was in deep REM sleep, and then I got to work. I put sticky notes all over the house that said "I love you". I knew he would immediately see those and think "oh, that was nice of her".
Then, I wrote a really nice card and tucked it into his backpack with a big ol' bag of M&M's. I know his routine...that same pocket is where he puts all his electronics before he goes to work (cell phone, blue tooth, PDA, headphones, CD's, memory cards....) So, I knew he would find this just as he was ready to head out the door. He would certainly think "OH, that WAS nice of her!"
Next, I made a funny card about how we go together like chocolate and peanut butter, and I taped it to a box of Reese's PB cups and placed that on the front seat of his car. I knew this would be the last thing he would see and think "OH, THAT WAS NICE OF HER!!"
And finally, I waited until it was exactly midnight and sent him an email to his work saying "Happy Valentines Day". I thought I was being so tricky because he had no idea I was going to do anything for him....and then I woke up to this:
That tricky Sam-I-Am had already brought home roses on the 13th, hid them in a downstairs bedroom, and put them on the counter for me to see when I woke up!
Happy V-Day, I hope it was special for everybody!
That was nice of HIM.....and YOU!!! Cute stuff! Those flowers are real puuurty!
you guys are so cute! romantic dinner with the kids??
ahhhhhh! so cute i am so jealous. william refuses to celebrate valentines day. i LOVE it that's so cute.
I love the sour blow suckers. Only you would think to do that.
very nice!
YOU LOVE THOSE SHOES CARRIE AND YOU KNOW IT! We'll put some Dr Scholls in them. Carrie, I have so much to teach you.
Good job, both of you! The movie I bought Dad, "Baptists at our Barbecue" was a bust--waste of money except that at least we sat down and watched a movie together on Valentine's Day!! (Pat)
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