Sam had an appointment with a Sports Medicine doctor today. Good news, his ankle isn't broken. It's a severe sprain. They've got him taking 800mg Motrin to keep the swelling down, which sounds easy but it's not. Sam hates taking pills. That whole concept blows my mind. If swallowing a pill is going to make the pain go away, why wouldn't you do it? He's the same way with headaches. He'd rather deal with them for several hours than take a few ibuprofin and have the pain gone in 15 minutes.
His ankle is already looking so much better. The swelling is almost gone and his bruises are more pinkish yellow than purplish black.
By the way, I was horrified that Maile thought those hairy legs could possibly be mine! I may not be totally girlie, but I would NEVER let my leg hairs get that crazy! However, Sarah, you are right. Even if they were, I would have no problem posting those pics. I have no shame or pride, we all knew that a long time ago. That's what makes me so endearing....or lazy.....or crazy. The verdict is still out on that one. Remember how I posted a "first-thing-in-the-morning" picture of myself? Seriously, I have no shame.
Okay, onto the reason for the title of my post.
The other day I heard Carson and Parker downstairs giggling in a hushed sort of way. My curiosity got the best of me and I headed downstairs with the camera. The bathroom door was partially closed. I got my camera all ready, and then I kicked open the door like I was a tough cop,and snapped a picture!
Carson knows he's busted. Parker, on the other hand, has a expression like "you wanna piece of me?". Love him. Love them both.
Apparently they found their swim goggles and had filled up the bathroom sink and were sticking their face in the water and looking at.......I have no idea. The white sink? The dried remnants of toothpaste? Whatever it was, they were having fun.
Have you ever worn swim goggles? Not the most comfortable things. I call this picture "partial stroke", for obvious reasons.
Look at these goofy teeth. They totally change the way Cameron looks when he smiles. It makes me laugh!
I manually focused this picture. I know that sounds really easy, but for me it's not. I'm photography challenged. So I'm pleased with how this one looks! I love those baby blue eyes!
Today I noticed we were getting low on toilet paper in the bathroom. As I was heading in the bathroom, I said to Parker, "Will you please go downstairs and bring up as much toilet paper as you can?" We say this all the time to Carson and he brings up like 5 rolls from the storage room. Parker dutifully goes downstairs to do as I asked. He comes back up and says through the bathroom door, to me "Here mom!". I told him just to leave them on the floor by the door. As I was leaving the bathroom, I looked on the floor and saw this:
Mr. Random had gone downstairs and grabbed a wad of toilet paper from the other bathroom and brought it upstairs. Mental note: be VERY specific with Parker.
He drives me crazy, and then he makes me laugh. I don't think it will ever be any differently. Can't wait to see what the future holds.
Today he said to Sam "I'm glad you broke your ankle, I like seeing you around!" Do you say "thank you" to something like that? I still don't know!
Finally, here is Cameron with his favorite toy: a dog. Sam's co-worker gave this dog to Cameron when he was a baby and Cameron just loves it. Thanks Jodie!
First of all, I would take pills to ease my pain but I really don't have any. 99% of any headache I've ever had goes away within 5 minutes so why take a pill? Same thing with this ankle, either I have a high tolerance to pain or it just doesn't hurt that much. I'm taking these Motrin because they said it will help the swelling go down. Second, what if Parker had REALLY brought as much toilet paper he could! I can imagine a whole pile of TP in the hallway that he had unravelled. I'm wondering if he pulled that joke on purpose and walked away. Sounds like something I would have done.
Thanks for everyone's concern about my ankle. The attention and sympathy is nice.
Love all the updates. Thats hialrious about the toilet paper. Sounds like something Hailey would do. Glad to hear Sam's foot is getting beteter. Oh and those teeth on Cameron kill me he looks so grown up!
I am laughing my head off right now. So funny, I had to read it to Neal. He said he remembers doing the same thing with goggles.
And the TP wad. I wonder what was going through his mind.
First of all I think the picture of Cameron that you manually focused is outstanding-great job! Second-to sam(becasue of his comment)I dont have much sympathy for your poor ankle...why you ask...becasue I have pictures that look almost equally nasty of Jakes foot from playing basketball with you guys-I was so sick and tired of the whinning by the end of it,that I lost all sympathy for sprained ankles from guys having fun-maybe if you fell down a few stairs, or sprained it by cleaning the old widows front lawn then I would give you a free "sympathy from missy card".Rude-I sound so awful! He he-dont hate me, I'm totally giveing you a hard time.
At least they weren't sticking their heads in the toilet. Oh, and I had the same thing happen to me re: toiletpaper. I'm like, Beth, bring me some toilet paper! She brings me two squares. Can you spare a square?
Keep that flash turned off. I like the results.
There is NEVER a dull moment in your house! You crack me up. Sorry about all the sickness on V Day. Sam's ankle is nasty. Jason did the same thing 2 months ago but considering he's had both ACL's replaced because of church ball I gave him ZERO sympathy!!
LOL! It sounds like Sam and Jarom have a lot in common! I don't know why, but Jarom is the same way about taking pills for a headache! AND, last season we experienced the SAME THING with Jarom's ankle! Seriously, our story was identical, but do you think that stopped him from going back this year to injure himself again? Of course not!! After he hurt his back a couple of weeks ago (and has been complaining about it ever since!) I tried to tell him he's grounded from playing church ball, but you know how they just don't listen! I guess they must get a pretty good high from playing the game if it's worth all these injuries! I think we still need to get together to watch Rubin & Ed sometime! Our boys like a lot of the same things - Jarom's also a big fan of The Cure...I think you posted something about that with Sam a few months ago???
Anyway, I'm so sorry about your dreadful Valentines Day! Hopefully you guys can have a nice, romantic night out soon to make up for it. We'll watch your kids for you if you want - REALLY! :)
I am laughing so hard at that wad of toilet come I don't think to take pics of those things when they happen.
P.S. I knew the hairy leg comment would make you laugh. Nate made fun of my "cactus" legs the other night in front of his brother in law....I had to later tell Nate that discussing womens hairy legs is one of the rates right up there with talking about Erectile Dysfunction for men.
P.P.S. Is your blog G rated?
Love the TP story...totally a boy thing! I don't really care about Sam's ankle can quit talking about it...Just Kidding Sam...Chris won't take pills either and if I give him like 3 advil he thinks I am trying to kill him...
I love the toilet paper story. That's a good one to share with him when he's older.
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