Weight: 22.12 lbs 26%
Height: 31 1/2 inches 64%
Head: 18.75 inches 65%
He is tall and skinny, which if you know Cameron, that doesn't seem right! I laughed at the doctor because I thought he was being funny, but...he was serious, really serious. My other boys have usually been in the 50th percentile of everything. Maybe because he's not walking and I have to carry him everywhere makes me think he's heavier than he really is.
So, in my ward I'm on the activities committee. I'm not in charge, but for the last few activities I have basically been put in charge because the co-chairs have been out of town. It's a little stressful putting on a party for the whole ward. If you know me at all, you'll know that this does not come easy for me! Oh don't get me wrong, I love to hang out and laugh with my neighbors, but being in charge of the event is another story!
Luckily I have a great husband who is always willing to help, and I have great friends who are willing to jump in and offer assistance without any advance warning.
If you live in the Salt Lake area, you'll know that we've had rain every day for the past few weeks. I love it! It makes me feel like I'm living in Seattle again....but when you are planning an outdoor party that involves messy games and water, you'll start praying for some sunshine!
4 hours before the party was to begin, the heavens opened and rain came falling down. Crazy thunder and lightning as well. My kids loved it, but I got a stomach ache.
I was freaking out. I had no idea what the heck I was going to do! Sam kept saying "It's going to be fine Carrie, I really feel like everything will work out great." I kept rolling my eyes at him because, well, listen to the thunder!
About an hour before the party I couldn't believe my eyes but there was actually little pieces of blue sky and the rain stopped! That's when I realized, my faith isn't as strong as Sam's. I guess I'll work on that!
The activity ended up being incredibly fun! We had hoagie sandwiches and potluck sides and desserts. After eating, we broke out some games. A HUGE "Thank You" to the Brough family, who supplied us with most of the game ideas. You guys are incredible!!!
First we played this little gem. Two people tie these contraptions around their waste. The object of the game: Get your tennis ball to wrap around and around the stick until the tennis ball hits the stick. If you are the first out of the four teams, you win. You should have seen the hip action! Great laughs!
Next game: You cut pantyhose in half. Then add a bean bag to the toe of each "leg". Put the hose over your face. Find a partner and start SWINGING that panthose around and around! Object of the game: Get tangled in your partners hose and rip the hose off their head!
Sam caught this sweet shot: Tom has the stocking wrapped around his nose. NICE!
Almost there!
I'll never know who won, Sam didn't take pictures to the end of this series. ha ha!
Here, you can see how it ended for another pair:
Here is Russ Adams on the left, and our Bishop on the right. so funny!
What ward outdoor party is complete without a few water balloon launchers? Seriously worth the effort of filling up almost 500 balloons with water! Fur realsies.
And, what ward party is complete without a bunch of kids playing around the target area of the balloons? They were so far away, this picture has been zoomed in a ton. I couldn't believe how far the water balloons traveled!
Davis' face tells me someone just got wet.
Maybe it was this kid that got hit...
Oh, maybe not.
Here's a nice father/son moment. "Now son, please don't ever use this to egg somebody's house, okay? Son? Uh, son, did you hear me??"
Next game: No, they aren't doing some kinky Hawaiin dance, although Russ looks like he wants to! :)
It's hard to explain this game, but basically you are partners with the person directly across from you. The floral material is made of lycra and is super stretchy. You and your partner run towards each other and to the opposite side (so you trade places with your partner). Then the other partnership does the same thing. The faster you run, the stretchier the lycra becomes until pretty soon it starts propelling and launching you towards your partner. The object of the game? Um, I'm not 100% sure. I think whichever partnership falls down or clashes into their partner (injuries sustained or not) then they lose. It really doesn't matter what the point was, it was friggin hysterical!
Got some lycra? Just try it!
During the games, we had a bunch of jumbo marshmallows in bowls, covered with flour. The kids got to throw the marshmallows at others, leaving little square flour "puffs" on people's clothing. Brilliant idea by my friend Kendra. Carson really got into it...
We then pulled out a bunch of 2 liters of Diet Coke. I think some people got very excited! Diet Coke to drink at a ward function?? But then we pulled out the mentos and did the Diet Coke/Mentos demonstration. No pics since Sam was involved with this one. But it was cool. :)
Finally, I had made 12 chocolate pudding pies. In the bottom of each pie were 6 gummy worms. We had 6 children and 6 adults who smooshed their faces into the pies to pull out all 6 gummy worms.
Here are Chaundelle and Mike...the masterminds behind most of the games. She is covered in pudding, he willingly kisses her...she has an ulterior motive though. She just wants to smother pudding all over his face. It was brilliant.
She was on a roll so she thought she'd just pick up the pie tin and throw the rest of it on him...too bad Mike was suspicious. After all, why else would his wife kiss him in front of the whole ward unless she was planning an evil attack?!? ha ha ha! Mike moved quickly and the whole pie went onto an innocent bystander! Good thing he was very good natured about the whole thing!
Of course, this started a big pudding fight within all those who were nearby. Personally, this is the perfect end to a perfect party if you ask me! As long as it's not in MY house!
Chaundelle, how many times did you shampoo your hair on Saturday night?? :)
By the end of the evening, Carson was so wet and dirty that he was walking like somebody who had been riding a horse all day. 'Nuf said!
Seriously, you all can't believe how grateful I am for everyone who pitched in and helped with this activity. It was a huge success and I really hope everyone had a good time. I laughed probably 1,396 times that night. It was sweet!
Carson's last day of 2nd grade was last Friday so tomorrow is the offical start of our summer. Thanks to year-round school, he starts 3rd grade in 6 weeks. :) Oh yeah, Parker starts Kindergarten this fall too so that will be most excellent! Happy Monday everyone!
The party was great! Thanks for posting the pictures of Russ with the panty hose on his head. I laughed so hard I cried that night. I'm glad someone had a camera. Thanks for the awesome party!!
Yay! Funny, I just though that read: "they tie contraception around their waist" !
The games looked so fun. Way to go!
Most excellent post Carrie. Why couldn't I have moved into your ward? Did I just say that out loud?!
you did a great job on the party! i'm totally stealing those pictures of tom for the ol' blog!
Very funny! You're in charge of the games for the reunion!
You win the award for best ward ever! Seriously, I think of my ward doing that, and I think of the same 12 people who do everything and show up to everything. Gets boring after a while. Those are great ideas for games. YW. . . . I'm having some ideas.
That was a great party, unfortunately we're going to have to top it in the fall.
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