Saturday, January 06, 2007

Carson Is Easy To Please

I just think this is funny: for Christmas, one of the items my mom gave Carson was a juicing device for oranges or lemons. Well, Carson has become obsessed with juicing oranges and drinking the "vitamin C". That is seriously what he says. Then I made the mistake of explaining that vitamin C helps us see better in the dark. So now he'll say "hey mom, I'm going to go drink some vitamin C. Then do you want to go somewhere dark with me and I'll lead the way for you so you don't trip and get hurt? It's okay, I can see in the dark now!"

Kids are the best!! Just the other day Carson was so mad because "it's not fair that you know when to drive and when to stop just by looking at the traffic light! I mean, how are blind people who are driving supposed to know when to drive and when to stop!" I never answered his question because I was laughing too hard.


Curtis and Shandy said...

My brother Brady use to beg my mom to buy him stuff, she would say she didn't have money, and he knew she had checks. He couldn't get the concept, he thought if you had checks you had a unlimited supply of money. Just the way kids think I guess.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's not just kids that think this way...

Anonymous said...

Another Carson story: While driving Carson noticed an elderly man walking very slowly on the sidewalk next to the road. The man had his arms out to keep his balance in the snow. Carson couldn't take his eyes off the man and then he said, "it looks like he's doing the robot dance!". It was pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the carson fix!

Amelia said...


I have a blog now cool huh! It is tell the rest of the fam for me...

Sarah said...

Love the Carson stories. I think our boys would be good friends.