At Carson's school they reward good behavior and academic accomplishments with a program called "Climbing Higher". For the past month Carson kept talking about kids in his class who were climbing higher and I kept saying "higher than what?" and Carson just rolled his eyes at me...but I wasn't trying to be funny, I honestly didn't know what the schmell he was talking about! Now I get it because Carson was honored today!! Even after all my stress of getting him to finish his worksheets, he was honored because he's had 100% on all his math papers! What a champ!! So, we went to his school this morning and they announced his name over the PA system, he was given a certificate and school pennant, and they took his picture to display on the main lobby's wall. It was a really fun experience. Carson was BEAMING from ear to ear.

As I type, Sam is busy trying to finish the baseboards in our room. All that will be left is caulking (he hates that part)and the framing around the bay windows. I'm very happy about that!
Tomorrow I get a wisdom tooth pulled, that should be fun for me. Don't worry, I won't take a picture of the bloody tooth and put it on my blog, I would totally wash it first before taking a picture!!
Good job, Carson! Great math skills!
I keep telling Carson he doesn't need to know math but you know how rebelious children can be...
Way to go Carson! That's awesome! My only question is.....was he more excited to get the award or the penny from Thanksgiving point? Where's the picture of your tooth Carrie?
Just keep climbing higher, Carson! You are one cool grandson!!
I had a dream that I was in elementary and I was climbing higher too after reading this blog.
Good Job Carson!! We are so proud of you! Keep climbing! Love, Aunt Kim:)
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