I'm heading to Washington on Wednesday to attend his funeral, which will be held on Friday. My favorite memory of my Grandpa started when he wrote in a birthday card for Curtis when I was in Jr High, or maybe it was High School. Usually my grandparents just wrote something like "Happy Birthday, we are so proud of you" but this time my Grandpa wrote "Happy Birthday Curtis, you have some fine brothers to look up to." I was so shocked that he forgot to include ME in that statement. I let him know how I felt too because every time I have seen him since that infamous birthday card he has made SURE that I knew I was special as well!
I'm completely changing subjects here, but since tomorrow is St Patrick's day, I wanted to wish everybody a happy day with this photo:
Fern may recognize the hat, it's hers! I stole it from the dentist's office where she works when I had my wisdom tooth pulled. Oh yeah, the tooth pulling went just fine, I wanted to take a picture of the tooth but it was too nasty, I guess I'm turning wimpy in my old age! Fern, I'll give the hat back to you when I see you next!!
Just before Daurell and I got married Grandpa Bell told him to make darn sure I was THE ONE because his life with me was never going to be dull. It was always fun to sit and visit with Grandpa because he loved to laugh. He always enjoyed outrageous stories with a good punch line. One of Amanda's funny memories was one time when we were at Grandma and Grandpa's and were just leaving. She bent over and kissed Grandpa goodbye and he said, "Mmmm, you're a good kisser." She was about 14 then. We laughed all the way home.
When your Uncle Phil and I first started dating he took me home to meet Grandma and Grandpa Bell. Grandpa Bell, ever the jokester, reached over during dessert at dinner and began eating my pudding! Seems he could never get enough sweets. He will be missed.
Whenever I think of Grandpa Bell I think of the Louis Lamor Western Novels. Whenever he would come to visit he would always be reading one.
Grandpa Bell would always amaze me at how well he could speak, "Indian." I would tell everybody on the playground at school that my Grandpa could speak to the Indians. One day, Amanda looked at me goes "You know Amelia," with her hands on her hips so mother-ishly "there is no such thing as Indian language. Grandpa has just memorized jibberish that he just repeats. Have you not noticed he says the same 'Indian' thing everytime, it never changes." What a snot. I remember going to my Dad who was out in Grandpa's shed and goes, "Well of course Amelia." Tears, big serious, sad tears welled up in my eyes. Grandpa Bell came up to me and smiled and wiped away my tears and repeated his same jibberish....... sorry Grandpa it just wasn't the same..... and Amanda... I will NEVER be the same, I could have gone the rest of my life beliving my Grandpa spoke Indian!
I also remember early one Sunday morning I was pretending to be asleep on Grandpa and Grandma's couch when I heard Grandma ask Grandpa how she looked and he said, "Valeen knock it off you know you always look beautiful." A soft side of Grandpa, who knew! He also said to Grandma one time we were there visiting and Grandma was rushing around making the famous "siccor pizza" dinners (Grandma cut our pizza's with sizzors), Grandpa told her to shutup and sit down and he refused and then he said.... "Just because I love yah doesn't mean I have to like yah right now!"
My favorite memory of Dad is when either Pat or Sharon were coming home from a date and he lined all of us kids up along the sidewalk and we sang "Here Comes The Bride". The couple didn't think it was funny, but we all did!
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