We are about to embark on 3 major projects.
#1 New Countertops
We went to Aspen Countertops' showroom last night and picked out our laminate color. Of course Granite would be fun to have, but I can't justify the price at this point of my life, so instead we chose a laminate color that looks like granite.
Here is Sam holding up a sampling of our color. This picture sort of freaks me out because I can see Sam's eyeball through the little hole!
The tentative plan right now is to have Aspen Countertops come and do a final measurement on the 16th, we'll pull out the old tile countertops on the 17th, and the new countertops will be installed on the 19th.
So, if anybody is free on Saturday the 17th, come on over because Sam would love help doing the demolition!
Here is the lovely tile that will be THRASHED!! I may shed a few tears of joy...
#2 Paint the master bedroom
We've lived in this house for 5 years and we've (by "we" I mean Sam)painted all the walls on the main floor, except the master bedroom. I finally got sick of staring at the dirty white walls. I have washed the walls, repaired the little holes and dents, and taped off the parts that I don't want the new paint on and now we are 100% ready for the paint. We finally found a color scheme we both like. Of course, Eddie Bauer makes these colors because we have to stay true to our Eddie Bauer family (have I mentioned that I still wear the same EB sweatshirts from high school?)!
Here is what our room looks like now:
Here is a picture of the colors we are using. It's kind of hard to tell, but the walls will be "pine needle" green, the trim will be "honeysuckle bloom cream" and the ceiling will be "ochre".
#3 Replace the swamp cooler with (drum roll please) CENTRAL AIR!
I don't have much progress to report on this project but it will be in place before the heat of summer. I'm very excited for the hair factor alone! What do you think happens when you introduce naturally curly/puffy hair to a swamp cooler? Can we say Little Orphan Annie? So, here is a picture of the nasty swamp cooler vent that will be gone soon!
The projects never end, but I guess that comes with the territory of owning a home. I'm going to venture a guess and say Project #4 will be painting the downstairs family room... Any color suggestions??
That sounds so fun! Unfortunately, we can't do much painting and stuff to our little place, but we like it as it is right now. In a couple years, I'm sure I'll have a blog just like this! Say "hi" to the fam for me. Love you all!
definitely orange!! and i happen to have a full unopened can you can start with!! -it will look awesome with the green carpet..... ;-)>
I know lots of people with the same countertops you picked out- and it does look like granite. I think you'll love it!!
Be sure and give us the after photo...
i can't believe how close your bedroom looks to the picture! way to go!!!
and Happy Birthday today Sam!!
Hey Carrie!
post some pictures of your finished project (bedroom). Sam says it looks great!
I am totally motivated to go paint a room now.
Wow...you guys are going to be busy! I love all the projects!! Have fun. -Kim
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