We finally finished our bedroom. All that is left now is decorating and I definitely need some accent pillows on the bed. I absolutely love the colors we chose. Check out the framework that Sam put around the bay windows! What a man!
By the way, this picture was taken at about 2:00am on a work night. No rest for the weary!
Carson's First Cavity:
Carson had his first cavity filled a few weeks ago. He was so brave! The Dentist told me he had a special set of names for every tool when the kids were around. I wish I had a list of them, but the novacaine is called "sleepy juice" and the suction tool is called the "thirsty whistle". I asked Carson if he wanted me back there with him and he's like "no thanks mom, I got it". Well, uh, okay...I'll just sit in the waiting room and get caught up on People Magazines. As bizarre as it sounds, Carson loved getting his cavity filled. He thought it was so funny that he couldn't feel his mouth. Strange child...
Here is a picture of him when we got home. His right cheek was totally numb.
Comcast cable notified us in January that they would be digging in my front yard to run some cables. Well, they came right out and spray painted our yard and put gas line marker flags all over the place...then....2 months later they finally show up to dig!! Sheesh! After a month I just let Carson and Parker pull out the flags to play with them. That's just the kind of gal I am!
Anyway, one day I was in the kids room and I heard a horrible racket. I kept calling out to Carson to turn the TV down. The noise continued. Frustrated I walked into the living room and saw Carson like this:
Then I noticed the racket I was hearing was a jack hammer! I had to be sneaky to take this picture, so it's taken from the side window by my door! They totally ripped up the sidewalk, right in front of my house. Carson sat with his nose pressed against the window the entire time. It reminded me of my dad when he got his granite countertops installed!! He just sat 2 feet away from the installers and watched the whole production. ha ha ha
Divine Homemade Pizza:
Just had to share the yummy looking pizza I made from scratch (even the dough) the other night. Oh baby!!
Parker's haircut:
Parker's hair has been looking so shaggy, but I have such a hard time knowing what to do because he looks kind of odd with short hair due to the XXL ears. Sam and I got the bright idea that we could probably just stand Parker in the tub and do a little trim-trim-cha-roo. Here is the before shot:
This is how far we got and had to quit because Parker was having the melt-down of the century!! I'm at a loss on how to describe how it looked. It was sort of like the blonde guy from "Karate Kid", you know, he was the one that got kicked in the face at the end? Well, anyways, it was ridiculous/hysterical looking. Short on the sides and turned into a messy mohawk in the back. I couldn't stop laughing, which made Parker cry harder.
Luckily, my friend Natalie Jones was home because she does hair for a living out of her home. We begged her to fix it and she let us come right over. So, now Parker's hair is cute--short, but cute. I didn't get a very good after shot, but it's short and his ears are still XXL. This picture is fuzzy, but you get the idea! This morning when Parker woke up I told him to go look at himself in the mirror and then I heard him laughing. I found him in front of my closet mirror with his hand on his head, and he just kept laughing. It's good to laugh at yourself so I think he learned a life lesson!
The beginning of the countertop destruction:
Our countertops are set to be installed on Monday (finally, it kept getting pushed back) We have to demolition the existing tops and backsplash ourselves (well, "we" really means Sam). Here is a picture of the counter this morning:
And here they are tonight:
By Monday night I should have purty counter tops, which will be great because ever since I moved to Salt Lake City in 1996 I have had tile countertops and I'm ready for a change! I'll be sure and keep you all posted!
I loved the update. A+
I'm with Sarah. I was a little nervous about Parker's hair until I scrolled down and saw it completed! Dad is going to be crushed if you don't let him help demo--save a few tiles for him...
I love the update also!! I am sad that you cut all of Parkers hair though! I vote for me to go help you find pillows for your bed because I need to find pillow for my couch...Jed's out of town all next week so let's make a date! Can I get your pizza recipe?
The crown molding looks great Sam! Parker looks all grown up...sad but true. We Look forward to seeing the new countertops.
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