The first thing Sam did was put lighter fluid on some charcoals that were already lit. Can you see his hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows? I'll give you a hint: burnt hair is STINKY!!
The campground is owned by the church and it's pretty fancy! We slept in these bunk houses (well, "slept" is being generous, it was more like cat naps!). Our campsite had a pantry with a full size refrigerator and electricity! Score for us.
Carson's allergies were attacking his face at mach speed. I felt so bad! It didn't slow him down.
Hey Shandy, these are the PJ's you gave Carson for his birthday. They were big on him then...apparently he has had a growth spirt!
Here is a classic Parker pose. I can't remember whose hat this belonged to, but Sam put it on Parker and he wore it proudly! Isn't he adorable?
So, then..............Parker happened upon a melted chocolate bar and of course, the older kids urged him on to eat it and the messier the better!
What happens when you feed baby Addison pure apple juice? Cha Cha Cha blowout!! :)
After we cleaned up camp we went to a little lake at the campground and took the boys on a paddleboat. It was so much fun!
Parker was so nervous to get on the boat, but once on he LOVED it!
Carson BEGGED to try pedaling the boat. So Sam took a backseat and chilled out while I ended up doing most of the work while Carson pedaled for 2 seconds and then lost his focus!
And then my favorite part about playing hard is the ride home and how quickly Parker falls asleep! This was about 30 seconds after we hit the road!
Very fun 24 hours! My only regret is that it couldn't last longer because hanging out with the Hansen family is non-stop fun and laughter!
Well, now I have to go rotate the laundry...again...that's the not-so-fun part of camping!
Sounds like a great time! Your family trips remind me of the times when my kids were young. Enjoy it now, they may not want to go with you when their teenagers! I don't know why boys think it is way more fun to hang out with girls then their parents! :} We're fun! Really!
why does it not suprise me that sam tried to blow up his face..... thanks for the laugh!
Love the pictures. How come I didn't know that Sam's face caught on fire...I WAS THERE!!!!
Laurel, if there's one thing I've's less likely to have the story told year after year at the Hansen reunion if they don't know about it! It was a little embarrasing so I kept it quiet.
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