Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Few Things...Before I Forget

Saturday morning Sam and I woke up to Parker saying "I have to go potty". He insists on making this announcement before he'll just go into the bathroom and take care of business. We heard him put the stool in front of the toilet, we heard him tinkle, and then we heard him flush the toilet. Then, all of a sudden, we heard quite the racket. It involved, something like the stool falling over, the shower curtain 'whooshing' and a really loud "THUMP". Then I counted...1....2....3...and right on queue, Parker started to HOWL!

Because I'm blind as a bat (and let's be honest, I was laughing) Sam ran into the bathroom. Parker had fallen off his stool and right into the bathtub. He smacked his head pretty good in the process and wasn't very happy about laying in the cold tub on a Saturday morning. This picture was taken about an hour later, I don't know why I didn't capture the goose egg while it was bigger because it was a beauty!

After Parker's tumble, we were all wide awake. So we decided to get ready and go to Park City to do a little outlet shopping. It was fun and VERY cold. Don't mind my dusty dashboard, but check out the temp! BRRRRrrrrrrRRRRRR!

Finally, I have to show you a picture of Rudolph that Carson drew today at school:

This is really sad to admit, but I think Carson draws better than me. If I tried to draw Rudolph, you would probably think it was a whale or something hideous like that. Good job Carson!


Sarah said...

Isn't it funny that when your kids throw up these days, its not even considered blog-worthy? Its just a given for the Sweets, "...and then Parker threw up." Hope you guys are healthy for Christmas! We missed you Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Poor Parker--he has quite a time. Actually i thought you were going to say he hit something else...
Good job on Rudolph, Carson. The antlers and tail are outstanding!

Holly Strong said...

That's an AWESOME Rudolph...He draws better than I...which isn't saying much. You didn't mention all the fun things you bought in Park City!!!!!

Amy said...

Whitney has to announce needing to go to the bathroom as well. "Thank you for the notice, but get up there now!"
Park City shopping is always fun but with me usually ends up being expensive.

Unknown said...

I just found out that a bunch of people in our ward have blogs, and I'm so happy! I'm fairly new to the blog world, but I'm quickly becoming addicted!
I love your Parker story! I'm glad that Jarom and I aren't the only parents who laugh in situations like that (when the kid isn't seriously injured, of course)!!