Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Shandy Tagged Me

Here's my response to Shandy's tag:

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. NAPA Auto Parts doing whatever they asked, which usually ended up pretty scary.
2. Painting fences at some Equestrian Tracks with my cousin Maile. More paint got on us than the fences.
3. Picking Raspberries at a raspberry farm when I was 12. Raspberries are still my favorite berry to this day!
4. Hogi Yogi for one day.

Four movies I watch over and over:
1. Sound of Music
2. Cars, because Parker loves it
3. You've Got Mail
4. Forrest Gump (just bits and pieces of it, there are some great one-liners in this movie!)

Four places I have lived:
1. Salt Lake City Utah
2. Rexburg Idaho
3. Redmond Washington
4. West Jordan Utah

Four TV shows I watch:
1. The Office
2. 30 Rock
3. American Idol
4. So You Think You Can Dance

Four place I have been:
1. Indiana, thanks to Mike and Kim
2. Boston, MA thanks to my job
3. Vegas, thanks to my boss and her vacation house
4. Cincinnati OH, thanks to a really crappy airline experience

Four people who email me regularly:
1. Sam
2. Fern
3. lots of co-workers
4. lots of insurance agents

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Training Table Club sandwich
2. Sticky finger rice bowl from Wingers
3. Fried Rice from PF Changs
4. Tostado pizza from CPK
Do you think I eat out a lot?

Four of my favorite songs:
1. Lake of Fire by Nirvana
2. Dreams by The Cranberries
3. Killing me Softly by The Fugees
4. Without You by Eminem
Okay, that was hard, my song choices change all the time!

Four things I am looking forward to in 2008:
1. Having my baby
2. Knowing what my baby's name will be
3. Sleeping a full night again
4. Parker starting pre school

I won't tag anybody because that's how I roll.

1 comment:

mindy said...

Oh man, I LOOOOOOOVE Training Tables club sandwich and that really sounds delicious right now. Lucky for Peter there isn't one close enough that I would even consider asking him to run out and pick me up one.
Oh and cheese fries with the ultimate dipping sauce. Love it!!!