Darren and Dad picked me up at 4:30am. I knew there was a 4:30pm, but until today, I didn't know the "am" existed. I thought it was an old wives tale.
We went to Best Buy, dropped Darren off at the end of the line, which was something like a mile away from the entrance. Then Dad and I went to Sam's club. We thought for sure Darren was going to be a few hours, but we were surprised to see him walking to Sam's Club with big ol' boxes under his arms like 20 minutes later. Who would have thought, but Darren is quite the power shopper! ha ha ha!
Then we headed to Shopko to get my dad some nuts. Wait, that sounds weird....but it's true. On Thanksgiving Day my dad yelled out "I want those nuts!" and pointed to the Shopko ad. They had a three pack of peanuts for $3.99. My dad was convinced it was an amazing deal. So, off to Shopko we went. By this time it was a little after 5am. We got to Shopko, found dad's nuts (again, that sounds weird), and he said to Darren and I "Here, you guys go stand in line, I'm going to look around a bit" OH sure, give the rookie's the crappy job. Well, Darren and I walked all the way to the BACK of the store, thinking that was the end of the line. We were wrong, excruciatingly, painfully, wrong. The dang line wound around the entire perimiter of the inside of the store. The line ENDED at the cash registers, in the bad way....it was like a bad nightmare, but in reverse. Does that make any sense? So, Darren hands me the nuts he was holding and goes to find dad to tell him he's crazy. So now I look like the idiot holding four 3-pack cans of nuts, in a huge line of serious shoppers. I can't imagine how pathetic people thought I was. Then Darren came back and yelled "Dad says he doesn't need nuts". Well, some people live fine without them I guess.....
Anyways-----a few more stores, a long wait at IHOP (we watched the sun rise while waiting for our pancakes) and then a few stores after that, and I was home. It was 10am and I'd been up for 6 hours. I keep thinking my mascara is smeared, but I really think I just have bags under my eyes. We laughed a lot, got annoyed at bossy shoppers, and laughed some more. Overall, it was fun!
Now that it is officially the Christmas season, I figured we should get rid of all our pumpkins on our lawn. But, to just throw them away is so boring. I wanted to end the fall holidays with a bang. So I told Sam to haul the pumpkins up to the roof and throw them into the garbage can, which was on the street, and see if he could make some baskets. Our friends, Davis and Holly, came for the show. Very fun, I think I'm going to make it a tradition.
Sweet action sequence. I'm loving my new camera.
Tonight we had a Sweet Family gathering to assemble care packages for Sam's brother Rod, who is serving in the army, in Afghanistan. The packages were actually for Rod's entire unit. Let me tell you, when you ask the Sweet family to contribute towards a good cause, they go the extra mile for sure! Thanks to Fern for hosting the chaos, and thanks to Audrey and Jeremy for organizing the entire event, it was a blast!
Phew, I'm tired. Peace out.