The first person to guess it right, and if you live close to me, I'll make you some of this:
For Christmas, my brother and his wife gave me a really good Bread Cookbook. This bread comes from that book. I'll admit my geekiness....I hated to cut into it because it was so pretty! However, I'm happy to say, it tasted as good as it looked!
Guess what the mailman delivered today? It came from England and it made Sam super happy and giddy.
Yes, calendars and homemade bread make us happy. Like I've said before...we are low maintenance! ha ha ha!
Cameron's croup is getting better, thank goodness. I gave him his second dose of steroids today....which he promptly SPIT out half of it! Talk about frustrating... I called the doctor and they think he'll be okay without it. He's not barking anymore, just regular coughing and a runny nose. I wish babies had the ability to blow their nose. He can blow raspberries at me, why can't he use those skills on his nose? Just a thought.
close up of a helicopter part--- perhaps the rotor??
yes, that's what i was going to guess...the top of a helicoptor
Your kitchen aid.
I guess helicopter part also. But I'm not the first, and I also don't live close, and I'm probably wrong. Well, globally speaking, I live pretty dang close. We speak the same language, after all. As well as share a common religion.
I dont know what the heck that is...I am just telling you that I Jynxed(Who knows how to spell that)myself with my comment two days ago...guess who has croup...Browen-GEEEEEZE
That bread looks very yummy. I wish I lived closer and was a good guesser. I would have guessed part of a motorcycle.
That bread was even tastier than it looks, if that's possible! Thank you, Carrie for helping so much while Pat has been struggling after her knee replacement surgery. Don't know if we would have ever gotten the house "de-Christmased!" Plus vacuuming, running up and down stairs, etc., etc., etc. Also, every time Sam walks in the door, Carl has another project for him. You guys are the best!
Thanks to russ- and his disecting of the picture-- and knowing if it has to do with sam, it has to do with helicopters.... we devoured the delicious, scruptious (sp?)bread!! The second day- it was divine also- I buttered thick slices and toasted it under my broiler- yummmmo! thanks so much carrie- you keep us laughing, support us in our times of need and feed us- it doesn't get any better than that!
Is the contest over? I think it's a picture of you mom's new knee.
A close up on the helicopter top perpeller thingy.
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