Last night we went to Costco. Right when we entered the store, Parker tripped. Not the kind of trip where you flail about for a second, recover, and then wildly look around to see if anybody noticed. Those are the trips I laugh about for days. This trip, was epic. In fact, he almost took out the guy walking past him! Unfortunately, the guy thought Carson tripped Parker so he lectured Carson for a few seconds. Normally I would have been irritated at the guy because that's not at all what happened. But my attention was on Parker, who lay on the cement floor in agony.
Sam picked Parker up off the floor and held him. That's when I noticed the large bluish goose egg starting to grow. Shudder.
I took these pictures after some time had passed with my cell phone so they don't really capture the creepy egg:
Because I'm a mother who has learned the art of distraction, I came up with something really quick: Hey Parker, did you know I pay for goose eggs? That's a pretty nice one you've got about a quarter??
I handed Parker the quarter and he was pleased as punch. I told him it was our secret (because I didn't have any more quarters for the other 2). He nodded his understanding and clutched the quarter.
Don't ask me what I'm going to do when my kids outgrow quarters but for now, life is good!
We picked up our goods at Costco and headed home. On the way home, Parker started whimpering about his ear hurting. The whimper turned into a cry, which turned into a I-can't-catch-my-breath sob. Great, ear infection. Or something worse, it was his left ear which is where he fell. Maybe he jarred something loose? Crap.
By the time we got home from Costco, Parker wasn't crying too bad but he said it still hurt. We kept asking him to describe the pain--sharp? stinging? He kept saying "it just feels weird, like, you know, back and forth...out and in?" Finally I figured it out: it was pounding, like when you hit a hammer on your finger. ha ha! I love kids and their descriptions!
Sam took Parker to instacare at about 6:15pm and got home around 9:45pm. Oy. The doctor's were worred about a skull fracture and some drainage into his ear, but that fluid would have been clear, his fluid was pussy (sorry, gross, I hope you aren't eating lunch) so it was indeed, an ear infection. Sam said two different doctors checked it out to be sure. It's just such bizarre timing! Slam your head into the cement floor and 20 minutes later bawling because your ear hurt....and they AREN'T related?
Random. I shouldn't be surprised, that's my life, we only know how to do random over here. Parker's ear still hurt this morning so he's kicking it with me today at home. He likes the bubble gum antiobiotic medicine so that's a plus.
You want to know the coolest part? When Parker came home from the doctor's office, still crying uncontrollably, he still had the quarter clutched in his hand! Man, a goose egg and ear infection...I think I owe him another quarter!
yay! another bruise for you to document the color changes!
that sucks about the ear infection but at least you caught it! i would have probably chalked it up to the fall and never taken my poor kid to the doctor!
Yea, Parker's kind-of wuss when it comes to hurt feelings but when real pain is involved he was a trooper. He was trying not to cry at the doctor's office and welcomed any distraction that would take his mind off of it. I'm glad it was just an ear infection and not cerebral fluid leaking into the ear from a fracture like they were checking for.
You need to keep an injury journal. Your kids will love to look at the pics later when they can laugh about them along with you.
Hummmm, I'm going to have to use that quarter idea.
I can't take it when your kids get hurt- tell them aunt fern said to stop it!!!
I'm with Fern--when kids or grandkids get hurt or have other challenges, it's almost more than I can handle. Guess I need to develop more of a sense of humor!
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