Now don't get me wrong, I love seeing my kids participate in various classroom activities, but sometimes I'm not super giddy/excited. Anybody else feel the same way? Can I get an 'amen'? Let's say, for example, the 3rd grade "Underwater Sea Creatures" report. Snaking my way through 4 classrooms, looking at posters, while trying to keep Mr. Cranky Pants (Cameron) happy....that was a little crazy.
However, Friday was NOT one of those mediocre times! Friday was the Egg Drop! There's just something exciting about a teacher on the roof with a bunch of egg-holding contraptions, just waiting to be dropped to their potential death! Seriously,it was fun!
I think I may have mentioned this before, but one of the zillions of reasons why I married Sam was because he's creative. He's not afraid to get uber creative in school projects. I looked into my future when we were dating and saw lots of crazy kids with lots of last minute projects and I shuddered. But then I realized that Sam would be able to step in and save the day for all the creative type things. So, after I said "yes" I would marry him, I had two stipulations:
#1: He would always be in charge of school projects with our kids
#2: If we ever had a daughter, her name would be Lillie.
He agreed to both items....and we lived happily ever after. I've gotten a lot of use out of #1, but #2, well, that's another topic.
So,how did Sam and Carson create the perfect egg holding device? Sam really just wanted to borrow our neighbor's chicken and let the teacher throw it off the roof because, after all, there's sure to be a raw egg inside the bird, right? After I drooped my shoulders in frustration and nodded "NO", Sam got serious. First he took a grout sponge and cut it in half. Then he and Carson chiseled out a perfect resting place for the raw egg:
Then he put a bunch of insulation in a box, placed the egg-filled sponge on top, and then more insulation on top of that. Wrapped up the box, and then, per Carson's instructions, made a parachute. Carson dropped the contraption off the top of his play house and it floated down pretty nice. However, with the egg secured inside the box, we didn't know if it survived the fall.
The next day was the egg drop. It was awesome to see how different students came up with their own ideas of how to safely drop an egg off the school roof. I saw lots of boxes, lots of parachutes, a rubbermaid container, a diaper wrapped up with the egg inside, a stuffed animal with the egg inside, and one lonely ziploc back with the bare egg sealed inside. That kid must not have had an awesome guy like Sam around to help!
Here is Carson's box floating down:
Here's a teacher opening up Carson's box, the suspense was making me pretty giddy:
Voila! Perfectly unharmed!! Way to go Carson (and Sam)!!
Along with Sam's creativity, comes random-ness. I was putting groceries away this afternoon and then I noticed Sam taking some odd pictures:
That same random-ness, then does something creatively fun: he made a rope swing in the garage. That kept my boys happy until bedtime tonight. Good times!
Phew! What will tomorrow bring?? Can't wait to witness the next creative burst from the husband.
Speaking of being creative, guess what my parents and I did? We canned Apple Pie filling and applesauce. My boys polished off a jar of the applesauce tonight, Cameron may turn into an apple if I'm not careful....what do apples do to your system? Do they plug you up or loosen you up? I should probably watch for warning signs. Either that or just put Sam on diaper duty over this long weekend....yes, that's a much better plan.