I have been a blog slacker, which is completely lame because this is supposed to be my "day to day life" journal. When did I start believing that I had to have something really blog-worthy in order to blog? If you really want to know my day to day life, I should blog about how many diapers I change in a day....or how many times Cameron says "Mom, I got a boogie!" as he holds out his finger for me to wipe! Okay, well, my blog readership may go down dramatically if I get that detailed...
I will tell you about my life for the past week:
My dad's brother has apple trees by his house in Menan Idaho. My dad went up to Idaho last week, picked a TON of apples, brought them home, and then for two days we canned apple pie filling and applesauce. Lots of work, but I'm loving the results. I've already attempted making apple pie. I don't think I've ever made a fruit pie by myself before. I need lots of practice, but it tasted super fantastic! Warm apple pie just SCREAMS autumn, don't you think? Now if I could just go outside and rake leaves.....oh wait, that tree fell down. Bummer!
This is the apple pie filling my mom has always made (as far as I can remember) and it's soooo good! If anyone is interested in the recipe, let me know.
I've also been busy organizing (by "organizing" I mean chucking outside!) all of Parker's treasures that he brings home from school every day. He literally comes home with his pockets STUFFED. Rocks, leaves, wood chips, pine cones.... and every day he is so excited to show them to me. "Mom! Look what I brought home for my collection!" Then he dumps everything on the table, where he promptly forgets about it all. Seriously, every day I say "Awesome Parker!" and then he leaves the room and I toss it all outside. Yes, he may need counseling one day, but at least he can't complain to the counselor that he grew up in a dirty house! Don't be judging me! Walk a mile in my shoes....
Also Parker related, he has become quite the accident prone kid. Here's hoping a growth spurt is making him awkward because I'd hate to think he'll be this clumsy forever...
He crashed his scooter into the neighbor girl while she was on her bike. Scratched his face and shoulder:
Then he scratched up his thigh because he put one of the above mentioned pine cones in his pocket and fell on the pine cone while at school(I keep laughing when I picture this one). The next day he was riding his scooter home from school and crashed over a raised crack in the sidewalk, skinning his knee.
Then last night he was swinging on the rope swing in our garage, lost control, and smacked his back on the stairs. Poor buddy!
Oh hey, look where I went yesterday!
The Bonneville Salt Flats in Western Utah! Well, that wasn't my destination, but I drove through them. I always wondered what they looked like, shockingly, they look just like the pictures I've seen on the internet. Wasn't that a good story? Ha Ha!
Hi Sam.
Anyhow, the destination was a quaint little place (or dive) called Wendover! Our friends, the Colasurdo's, invited us to a Jim Gaffigan comedy show and we jumped at the opportunity. It was a blast! I honestly don't remember the last time I laughed for 1 1/2 hours straight! That guy is hysterical! I can't say it enough, if you find out he is in town, don't hesitate...buy tickets! You won't be disappointed! The only routine I had ever heard from him was "hot pockets". At the end of the show, Gaffigan left the stage. We were all clapping and he came back for an encore. As he walked back on stage he said "sorry, I was hungry and had to eat something...I ate a hot pocket" and the crowd went CRAZY. He then delivered that routine and it was more funny in person. As we left, my friend Mindy said "I didn't realize I should have done warm up exercises for my face so it wouldn't hurt after laughing for so long!" Perfectly said!
Here we are on the way to the metropolis of Wendover. I was pretty eager. Mindy is playing it cool! ha ha!
Hopefully this link works, here's the Hot Pockets clip:
I didn't even realize Sam took a picture of us. Where was I? Probably too destracted by those salt flats.
Jim was great. Thanks again for coming with us, it was a lot of fun. My face finally feels better today, not so sore.
cameron brought me a boogey on his finger last time i watched him--- glad i didn't find it on my couch later!! i want to smell you house when you make apple pie!!
I would love that apple pie filling recipe. I bottled some filling a couple years ago and wasn't too pleased with the filling.
I like chucking the treasures, also.
It's not a growth spurt -- it's genetics. Parker's dad was always getting hurt too. I was with him most of the time. Hit by cars (yes, more than once), falling on the ice, having his wheel fall of his bike in mid-air etc etc etc. . .
Diarrhea pocket!
Thank you, Cathy. I had a Lean Hot Pocket for lunch today, and I haven't been the same since...need I say more. Now I know the reason. Thanks for the compliment on the pie filling--makes all the hard work worth it. (Mom C.)
I'm glad you had fun. I love Jim Gaffigan
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