Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Will He Ever Learn?

It's sad to say, but Carson is quite clumsy. He was at Fern's house yesterday and ran into her kitchen chair and split his eyelid open. I was explaining to my niece Melissa how clumsy he has always been and right at that moment he walked into a door jam and smacked his forehead. Oh boy...
Even better: that night I was talking to Fern and she was telling me Melissa had a big red mark on her shoulder. When she asked Melissa what happened, Melissa said "I walked into the door jam of the office."
Sometimes it's scary how much alike Carson and Melissa are!


Anonymous said...

Clumsy, or just lively--I think that could apply to them both. Did Carson have to have stitches?

Carrie said...

Nope, no stitches. It's pretty puffy even today, but the actual cut is quite small.

Anonymous said...

It's good to take pictures of your children's boo boo's and post them on a blog so the Department of Family Services has some documentation.

Anonymous said...

Russ said that carson should watch where he is going.... just not that closely!