Our neighbor, Peter, came over and removed Carson's stitches. That was super nice of Peter because he saved us a trip back to the instacare. One day I'll learn how to take out stitches because I'm sure I have only begun my experiences relating to stitches.
Do you remember those bacon and eggs bandaids I bought at Archie McPhees in Seattle a few years ago? I totally found some in the back of my linen closet the other day so I made sure Carson wore bacon to school on Friday, mostly for my entertainment!
Here he is right before Peter removed the stitches. He's wearing his bicycle helmet...oh man, he looks pretty awesome in this get-up....
We laid him on the countertop (I'm sure it was sterile) and Peter showed us his steady hand skills. Thanks Peter!
Saturday we went to Kangaroo Zoo with my parents and Curtis and Shandy. I've heard a lot about this place and I'm happy to report, I was NOT disappointed. Seriously I laughed my guts out for the 3 hours we were there. I think I had as much fun going down the big slides as my kids did, maybe more! There was this one contraption that was like a trampoline with a raised platform in the center that was hard to balance on. I got onto it and laughed until my cheeks hurt while Curtis tried to bounce me off. Totally brought me back to the good ol' days when Curtis and I were young-'uns and we would play "crack the egg" on our tramp!
I don't think Curtis' son, Dexter, thought it was so funny.
Parker was fearless. I've never seen him so independent before! He loved the slide that was 3 stories tall. He would go down, head first, on his back. Right before he would slide down, he would say "To infinity and BEYOND!" Gotta love Parker!
So after 3 hours the kids were very giddy and red in the face. I don't know why Parker looks mad here, probably because it was time to go. For sure we will go back. I understand there is a Kangaroo Zoo in North Salt Lake as well. That location has a black light miniature golf course...fun!
On Sunday we had our monthly "cousins dinner". This month it was Cody and Meridith's turn to host. We had a grubbin' BBQ and great company! While we were hanging out I was telling everybody how Carson likes to take our empty Mountain Dew cans to the recycle bin because he always sips out the last few drops of Dew before throwing the can away. My mom and Jed both said "you should put something else in the can before asking him to throw it away" and of course my mind instantly started to go crazy with ideas. So, today, I emptied a can and put some salt water in the bottom. Then I asked Carson to take it out to the recycle bin in the garage. Sam had the video camera ready, but Carson was tricky. He didn't sip anything until he was in the garage and out of our view. I was disappointed for a second, but was instantly rewarded when he came running back in the house with a gross look on his face and into the bathroom he went to spit and rinse out his mouth! Unfortunatly, Sam didn't capture the video, but I took this picture as Carson came out of the bathroom:
You might think I'm mean, but I figure if I'm the only chick in a household of boys, I'm going to make it worthwhile and laugh every day!
And just for fun, here are some cute pics I took of Cameron tonight. Hopefully this week he'll lose the faux hawk because I'm going to see if my friend, Natalie, can cut his hair. It's really scraggely on the sides and back and I'm tired of messing with it. I may not completely get rid of his signature look, but I'll get it "cleaned up" a bit.
That first picture of him looks like he's practicing to be a cheerleader...uh-oh.
I prefer to think Cameron is practicing up on his boxing skills! That was a fun/work-filled weekend. I'm looking forward to going to the Kangaroo Zoo with the whole clan!
I'm with your parents. I prefer to think of Cameron practicing his Chuck Norris moves. Much more fitting for a young man. Love the bacon and egg bandaids. I've got to get some of those!
One more thing, just in case anyone was wondering...The Cure concert on Friday night was spectacular!!! Go here for more info...http://craigjparker.blogspot.com/2008/05/salt-lake-city-show.html
looks like you had a great time! Sam- dr J and his wife went to the concert also- ck out her version on his blog! he had a lot more fun than she did!! can't wait to see the boys... and carrie later today!!
I love the good ol days when something like Kangaroo Zoo wouldn't hurt my back for the next month or two. Looks like fun and I swear I can hear you laughing.
Cameron is adorable. He looks like he's got the smile thing down. I love your kids!
Wow, our monitor has issues and goes dark sometimes and the band-aid on Carson's face looked like a gaping hole at first. It freaked me out. Thanks for the kangaroo zoo referral. Now I want to go there for me, oh and my kids.
Oh and such cute pics of your baby.
They call Cameron's pose the fencing pose. It totally looks like he's getting ready for a dual. Too cute!!
I am so glad you found those band-aids again. Those things rock!
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