Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Failed FHE Lesson

Last night I had a brilliant idea for FHE. Ever since Carson learned to ride his bike he has wanted to ride it from my house to my parents house, which is 3 miles away. Sam needed to help my dad build his deck so we dropped Sam off, picked up my mom, and came back home. Then Carson got on his bike for this adventure.

Here was my plan. Carson would ride his bike and I would follow along slowly in the van. Surely Carson couldn't ride the entire 3 mile trip since the only place he ever rides his bike is around and around the cul de sac next to my house!
I was going to let him get all worn out after about a mile and when he BEGGED me to stop, I would let him get in the van. Then we would talk about training and endurance.... you can't just wake up one day and run a marathon. You must train for it! Just like in the gospel, you can't just wake up one day at the age of 19 and say "I guess I'll go on a mission today.." You have to train for it by going to church, reading your scriptures, learning to pray, serving others........ It sounded brilliant in my mind!

So, here is Carson at my house:

Here he is along the way:

I couldn't believe he was still going! At this point, I thought "Phew, he is getting tired, my lesson will still work!"

Then all of a sudden he got a burst of energy and started double-timing it! Um, here he is... AT MY PARENTS HOUSE!

I'm sure I could have gotten creative and still tied this experience into the gospel, but I was too dumb-founded....I just told him how proud I was of him and left it at that! Happy FHE to all and to all a good night.


Natalie said...

I guess you should have realized that 3 miles on a bike is nothing to kids. For us adults, however, it's another story. Try taking him on a big, long, hot hike that leads to nowhere. THEN he'll learn about endurance. He'll love you for that. Sorry the lesson was blown.

Anonymous said...

hahaha! you've heard the story when we were at zions (or somewhere desolate) and aaron and company went on hike to see where the rivers converged (i think)- after they got there aaron said- 'you mean we hiked all this way to see a river and a rock?!!' ha- ya, endurance!!! -at least they saved a lady from being locked out of her car- no trip complete unless we help someone!!

Holly Strong said...

HAHAHA!!! When we lived on Decora, Tanner decided to WALK to my parents house. I too was smart and drove a little behind him in the car. All of a sudden some lady comes running after me with her phone screaming. I politely stopped, rolled my window down to talk to her and she was yelling at me that she was calling the police because I was "stalking" a child. LOL I started laughing and said, "It's my child lady and he's walking to Grandmas." She ran off in a huff...it was quite funny to me.

Unknown said...

That is SO funny! I'm shocked that he actually made it the whole 3 miles - I don't know if I could even do that!!!! LOL Good for him!

I haven't checked in for a while, so I just saw the pics from girls camp:
1. Looks like camp was a huge success! yeah!
2.LOVE Sam's bandana!!
3. Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

The Airharts said...

Wow-Im impressed!!!

DJ and Gin Family said...

He's quite the little adventurer.... sounds like his Dad! Sam could ride his bike to Kent's grocery store like it was nothing. Sure it was only a mile away, but that hill coming home was pretty steep on a bike. The only difference was us kids would ride without adult supervision. What a good Mom you are to follow him. Go Carson!!

Thomas said...

I love that post. Maybe you should start training for a triatholon! If he's like Quinn, he has enough energy for it. -Maile

Laurel, Brian, Addison & Liam said...

Sounds like his Dad.