My cousin Cody got hitched last night! It was a fantastic evening with lots of laughter and lots of good company. The red velvet cake was good....oh my...WAS IT EVER GOOD! The only sad part of the day was that it had to come to an end!
AFter looking at all the pictures we took last night, I'm laughing because I don't have a single one of Cody and Meridith looking at my camera. That's okay, candid shots tell a better story I think. Here are Cody and Meridith during the ceremony...I'll bet anyone a dollar that the happy couple has no recollection of the counsel the Bishop gave them. :)
Parker fell asleep on the way to the wedding and got a nice seat belt welt on his cheek.
Couple hours later it was still on his cheek! Crazy kid. I was just glad it was gone by this morning. Parker liked his red velvet cake too.
However, he did NOT like the chocolate covered cinnamon bear Sam gave him. I'm embarrassed to admit that he spit it into the bushes......
I'm not really sure why, but I let Carson drink a Mountain Dew before we went to the wedding. I'm happy to report that it didn't make him crazy like I told him it would....or did it?
Cameron was just mortified by the way his older brothers were acting.
Oh Cameron, don't be such a stick in the mud, have some fun!
Random candid-ness:
Did I mention the red velvet cake?
Unfortunately, the Red Dye #40 didn't really agree with me...let's just say that from 4am - 6am today I read the September Ensign cover to cover while sitting on my own personal throne...wait, is that too much information?
Congratulations Cody and Meridith! I am sooooooo happy for you guys!
9 years ago