If you look at pretty much any picture of Parker since his birthday in June, you'll notice that he wears an "omnitrix" on his wrist, which is a toy from his favorite cartoon. He wears it day and night and only takes it off to wash his hands or take a bath. This morning I noticed that he has a crazy rash on the inside of his wrist. I told him he couldn't wear the omnitrix until his rash clears up. Well, somehow "I LIVED through this day of his bad moods and crying fits, I only LAUGH because if I cry my nose will swell, I LEARNED that he is d.a.m. persistent when he doesn't get his way (but I am more persistent so I won)....but at the end of the day I still LOVE him.
As always I had some good chuckle moments at his expense today (sorry Parker, I promise I do love you, but you are so accident prone!). This afternoon he was laying on the couch and for some reason he was holding the remote to the TV up in the air above his head. He lost his grip, the remote fell (because remember, gravity isn't just a good idea, it's the law) and landed right beneath his eye. Holy cow did he scream. This picture doesn't do the experience justice, but if you look under his right eye you'll see a little welt.
Then, later on today I asked him to pick something up off the floor, right next to his stool in the kitchen. He went to bend down and SMACKED his forehead on the kitchen counter, on the way down to the floor. He dissolved into hysterics....again....and I couldn't help but think 'Huh, maybe he doesn't realize there is something above his eyeballs...he can't see a forehead above his eyes, therefore there must be nothing there.' Parker lived, I hope he learned (yah right), he still isn't laughing, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't love both his owies on his face today. Well, at least he's halfway there.
I wish I had a picture to go with this story:
Tonight Sam was helping my parents with their deck. He was holding the brace for the deck stairs and drilling a hole in the wood. The drill bit went right through the wood into the tip of his finger. According to him, it was a 5/8" drill bit so now he has a 5/8" hole in his middle finger. I could tell he was in pain but he didn't swear or anything, which amazes me....nor did he shed a tear which is what I would have done! He walked in a circle for a minute, then got out the peroxide and bandaids. He bled all over my parents laundry room floor, their bathroom floor, and his pants, but somehow managed to keep their carpet clean. What a man! Like a dutiful wife I cleaned up the DNA that spilt all over the house...which reminds me...mom, I left the bloody rag in your laundry room sink, sorry!!! Gross.
I guess Sam Lived through the drill experience, I don't remember him Laughing about it, but the rest of us did so that must count for something. He Learned not to hold his hand on the other side of a board being drilled, and he still Loves us because he continued to help my dad. He must not hurt too bad because he's playing basketball as we speak. Gotta love Sam-I-Am.
Here's a story I keep forgetting to blog about. A few months ago I took all three boys into my work to visit co-workers and show off Cameron. Carson and Parker turned into crazy devil children. They were rolling around on my office floor, fighting, and being super annoying. I was so embarrassed because they aren't usually like this. After we left I gave them a pretty serious talking-to. As we were driving home (which is about a 25 minute drive) they kept complaining about being hot and I so I kept turning the fan higher to the back temperature controls of the van. Finally as we turned onto my street Parker started sobbing. I asked him what was wrong and he said "I'm just SO HOT". I couldn't figure out why they were hot until I turned around and noticed their air was on the hottest setting it would go, and when I kept turning the fan higher, I was just blowing more heat on them...in the middle of summer. When I asked Carson why he didn't tell me the air was on 'hot' he replied "I thought this was our punishment for being bad at your work!" For the LOVE.
Well, I need to go to bed and rebuild my stores of patience because somebody's name that rhymes with "darker" drained that account today... Calgon take me away.
I have to tell you, dear daughter, than you are creating the most amazing journal ever! You have inherited your dad's story-telling ability, and we are all benefiting from it. Good thing you have that never-ending sense of humor!!! A camera, story, and ability to laugh is a winning combination.
that is hilarious!! I guess i need to give the boys a fan and squirt bottle to hide in the back of your van so their 'punishment' won't be sooo harsh!! hahahaha -sounds like we need a girls night out!!
Ok, that story about the van is seriously one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time!!!! I'm laughing so hard that the front desk manager just came back to see if I was ok!
Oh Carrie, your post is great! You are so elloquent in describing the pains of motherhood. Roasting your naughty boys in the van reminds me of the time my mom was helping me and Angie in the shower. We were little, I promise. She thought she would take the wand down and turn the water to cold. Well, the water was hot, and we were screaming while she was laughing. She thought we were squealing with delight. Well, she burned her hand in the water and realized her mistake. Then, she looked behind the shower curtain and saw two little red-bodied girls that had just been scalded with hot water. Good times.
And about the accident prone Parker. Don't worry. He's just following in Dad's footsteps. Just read him the stories of John Taylor's accident childhood. Maybe Parker will grow up thinking he'll be the next prophet.
Sounds like some lessons are more painful to learn than others. Sam, don't you have that deck done yet! LOL
Those were some great stories. I'm so glad you got through your day. I hope the rash healed so Parker can wear his omnitrex again and be happy.
OH my heavens. I love the whole car story! That is hilarious!!!!!!!! You make me laugh so hard because you are just so much like missy and I!
That is why minivans are dangerous. ;)
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