Friday, April 14, 2006

Beautiful Mystery Tree

Help me figure out what kind of tree this is! When Sam and I were at this park by LDS Hospital, I saw several of these gorgeous blooming trees. I want to say they are dogwoods or magnolia trees, but I didn't think they could grow in Utah's climate.


Anonymous said...

They are not dogwoods or magnolia trees unless a different version than the ones in Louisiana. The dogwoods have smaller flowers and magnolia trees are quite big with all white flowers.

Anonymous said...

We had these in Redmond, and they are a variety of magnolia--I think it's a tulip magnolia. I was surprised to see them in Utah!

Anonymous said...

mom c is the winner!! they are magnolia's- stunning aren't they! on 4100 s and about 41oo w. the south side of the road, there is a huge tree by the front door that is incredible!