I've been thinking a lot lately about the looks of my kids. Apparently my kids look a lot like Sam. Honestly, I'm too close to the situation to really see it. I just think Carson looks like Carson, Parker looks like Parker, and Cameron looks like Cameron. Upon meeting Cameron when he was 2 weeks old, my pediatrician shook his head, blew out a low whistle, and exclaimed "well, you brought the right baby home from the hospital, he looks just like his brothers!" I always laugh and say "yep" but inside I'm like "really? why can't I see it??" Even a complete stranger I met at swim lessons last week made the effort to come tell me that my baby looks JUST LIKE HIS DAD (Sam comes to the last 20 minutes of the kids' lessons). I know you all probably think I'm crazy, but I'm being serious here, it's hard for me to notice the similar features.
I was looking for a picture of Sam so I could put him side by side with Cameron and analyze it. I found this gem and had to share (Sam, don't be hatin'):
Sam clearly took this picture while he was driving, he normally doesn't shove his chin towards the back of his head! This picture was taken in April and we were heading to the Rexburg temple for my cousin's wedding. I love this picture because, #1..I didn't know he took this picture! #2..I'm hoping I'm the one who said something so funny that my mom is laughing her guts out! #3..Darren knows Sam took a picture and he is calmly staring at the camera, why didn't he pull a face? I would have! #4..My dad is in the passenger seat...what is he doing with his arm at that angle? I wonder if he's pickin' his nose??
Anyway, we go back for Cameron's 4 month doctor appointment in a few weeks and I'm pretty sure he's going to need a helmet. I've tried my hardest to keep him off his right side, but I don't think it has helped. I took this picture the other night. You can tell that his forehead bulges out on the right side. You can see his left eye and cheek, but not the right side. Also, check out the placement of Sam's index fingers. His fingers are touching the top of each ear so you can tell the right ear is more towards the front of his face than the left. Even though a helmet will be a pain, I'm hoping he just needs a helmet and not bone-structure-surgery when he's older. That was the other possibility...that he was just born this way and surgery will fix it later in life.
No matter what happens, I think he is perfect the way he is! He is such an amazing little guy! He rarely cries and I love his smile and his laugh. He is such a joy and he really adds that 'little something extra special' to our family!
This picture is from today. He was simultaneously sucking on his fingers and his pacifier.
Well, I can't think of anything else to say...shocker. Not to worry though, I'll have lots to blog about after this weekend. Here's a few hints: BBQ with some good friends and 40th Anniversary Celebration for my parents. OH yeah, I know you are excited, but try to get some sleep....
Hi Carrie. Maybe our boys will just be helmet heads together. Oh well, could be worse. At least they have heads. And cute little blue eyed brown hairy heads too. Good luck at that appointment.
I think Parker and Cameron certainly have their own looks. But seriously--you don't see Sam when you look at Carson?
He looks just like his dad (to me).
Isn't that funny how people see such different things, though? Jeff thinks Maya looks like me, but I can't see it.
(Grandma Clark)
Minivan photography certainly lends itself to some funny stuff! As to the boys, all I can say is every one of them has the most gorgeous eyes ever and their own unique personalities. I can see Sam in Carson, but in the other two, it's only the eyes for me. Surely do love these kids....
I see it through their eyes!
I can't see the misshapen head of the wee one, maybe it's because the internet? Who knows. My nices had torticolis (spl?), where here muscles on one side were so tight she couldn't switch the position of her head. So she went to a physical therapist and with some excercised and about 6 months later, her head looks good now. Who knows what the Doc will say!?
Well, I certainly think your 3 boys look JUST LIKE their daddy. But if you look at the mini-van picture, YOUR MOM LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU!! Serious. So don't feel left out. Oh, and good luck with the helmet head.
So I looked at the picture of Cameron's head. I don't really see much wrong with it. But, that is coming from a guy that has landed on his head a few to many times.
If the other kids tease him in school send him over to talk too me. I'll send Jene' to school with him to beat the little brats up!
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