Here's me after getting the soil all nice and loose...I know it looks like all we have are Holly Hocks in our garden but there is so much more! We also have Iris, Peonies, Columbines, Delphineums, Miniature Roses, Wild Strawberries, Day Lilies, Pin Cushions...and so much more! It's doing really well and it's fun to go up and do maintenance so I'm glad I'm in charge of it this summer. :) If anybody wants to come up with me, just give me a holla! It doesn't just have to be women that help, bring the whole family up and we'll play!
Of course, I'm not surprised at all, Parker fell into the ditch after being there for a few minutes. Here he is from the back:
And here he is from the front:
Hee hee, that child of mine has passion, you can't argue that!
We had a crew of 9 women that came to help plant, which rocked because after about 15 minutes we were done and that left plenty of time for the more important task: Visiting!
Holly, why are you the only one working!? Ha Ha!
See this Goat? His name is Oliver. For some reason, the staff at the park think it's fun to let this guy wander around the park. Guess what goats do to vegetation? That's right, they eat it, they eat tons of it. I've had "words" with the gardener at the park about letting him roam and how I'm not a fan of this idea. So help me, if I go back up to the park and find all our new plants ripped out of the ground I'm NOT going to be a happy camper...for those of you who have seen me "put my foot down" (Hey Sam, remember when I got our 20 lb turkey at Thanksgiving for about $5? Or how about the time I got our rental deposit back after they tried to only give us a partial amount? Good times!) you know it's not a pretty sight. I'm called "Carrie Sour" by some people for a reason...
As we were leaving the park, Oliver was headed straight for our better pray for the goat....
Wow--the flower beds look great! I'm with you, that goat needs a lesson in staying where he/she belongs! I'm pretty sure no pioneer woman would put up with goats eating all her hard work!
REAL pioneers would shoot the dang goat. Carrie Sour? That's funny. I think maybe YOU should be the one to get your spaghetti noodles-worth.
i'm bummed i couldn't go. with the way my day was going, it just wasn't going to happen...i'm hoping next time will work!
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