Then we decided to continue tackling a big out the spare bedroom so we can move Carson and Parker downstairs. This is not an easy, one-day project. In the 5 years we have lived here that room has become storage for us..well, mostly Sam! The best way to explain how funny Sam is: I opened a drawer and it was full of old socks that Sam used to wear. Seriously, the ENTIRE drawer was completely full! I just shook my head, ever so slightly, and Sam sheepishly threw most of the socks away. So, yeah, it's been quite the project. :)
I came across a sweet find myself! My parents used to keep a "memory box" for us and mine includes things like a baby blanket, a stuffed animal I used to like, Young Women recognition necklaces, and all my old "treasures". Well, we found a shirt that I think I got in 1st or 2nd grade that said "I read 100 books". Sam promptly took off Parker's shirt and put this old shirt on him. THEN came the biggest treasure of all, my elementary school glasses!!! Talk about antique! They are huge and of course I put them on Parker and took a picture, old shirt and all!
Then Sam found an old Cure concert T-shirt. He's thinking he could make big bucks on Ebay for it! Ummm..... So we aren't even close to finishing this room project because every time we'd pull something out of the closet, we'd start reminiscing about it and then the progress comes to a screeching halt!
This afternoon is started snowing. Carson made his first "snow angel" of the season...well it's more of an imaginary snow angel because the grass was really wet and it just left a smear mark. He was thrilled regardless!
Tonight we had the Saturday night session of Stake Conference and it was amazing! I always get so much more out of the Saturday session than the Sunday session...probably because I always get a soft bench to sit on AND there are no children there! :) Our Stake President made a comment that I love. He was talking about going through difficult trials in life and not knowing how to forgive others. He said "reserve a place in your heart for forgiveness, so when forgiveness comes, it has a home" I thought that was simple and profound! Okay, I'm tired so g'night!
They are still good socks, I just don't wear them much!!! ...and to be fair to myself, I don't think that Cure T-shirt fit me even when I bought it...
Super sweet glasses! Um, I'm requesting a picture of YOU wearing them . . . now or in grade school . . . you choose, but I want to see it! I'm glad that spectacle makers have figured out that our cheeks don't need to see.
I remember those glasses all too well! I agree with Whitney---you should post a picture of YOU in those glasses!
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