In other news....
Yep, those were Carson's dirty green feet in my previous post.
While Sam was mowing the lawn the kids were running around and let me tell ya, fresh cut grass and bare feet make QUITE a messy pair of feet.
This time of year it's fun being a mom because the kids bring home cute letters and such from school. Carson wrote these today:
He's a man of few words. However, I show you these letters for a reason. See how his spelling is kind of crazy? It's important to understand, that his spelling is supposed to be bad. He's just learning.
What do you think is the "bad spelling" excuse from Parker's High School age preschool teachers?
Parker attends a preschool, which is inside our local High School. His teachers are students from the High School. Check out the way they spelled some of THESE words (and I'm not just talking about the spelling of my name)!?! Appalling!
Honestly, it freaks me out. I know I'm not perfect, but this is waaaaayyyyyy out there.
This little gem also came home in Carson's backpack today.
This week they've been doing lots of preliminary testing before the real 2nd grade testing next week. I know Carson's teacher has been having some parents help her correct these tests. Not only does this parent not understand math, but her spelling is sad too. Rite? Right! We won't talk about the missing apostrophe either...
I'm not trying to be a snot, but knowing basic spelling is the foundation of our education. Has "spell check" replaced the need for spelling knowledge? Are we just accepting of anything now that we talk in acronyms via text messaging and email?
Like Cameron, I refuse to conform. In mathematics, you have to learn the rules of numbers before your teacher will let you use a calculator. I plan to properly teach my children how to spell before they learn the "easy" language of texting, email, and spell check.
Yeah Cameron! Abby just learned to crawl 2 weeks ago. It increases the happiness index for those frustrated babies who can't get what they want.
And Kairee, y do u think speling is so importent? who cares anyway. it aint like im gonna teech englesh or nothing. im gonna teech preskool kids.
Did Natalie write that letter for Parker? Actually, she's bad but not that bad!! That made me laugh so hard.
Cameron is so cute. One thing is for will do when kids want can't make them do anything!
Super video...thanks for sharing it. It's scary though....that's somewhat similar to how I get around at times at present with my little medical issues! (Except Cameron makes it look fun!)
And I want to give you a gold star for your views on teaching your kids proper english, etc before texting etc! And as a tutor, your Aunt Karen will be cheering when she reads what you wrote!!
Uncle Phil
Kudos to Cameron! This spelling thing is atrocious--I really think you need to talk to the teacher who is over those students! Also--lack of apostrophes or putting them in when they shouldn't be there is one of my big pet peeves! (Pat)
WOHOOOO CAMERON!!! That was truly adorable. I am also a spelling snob. I LOVE seeing when a child writes it that way, but an adult!?!?! Come on!!!
Wow, that is sad commentary on education. It is my pet peeve also to see grammar and spelling mistakes. And I find them on public printed material ALL THE TIME! Come on, people! Pay attention in English class. Come on, English teachers. Be sticklers about it! Have a good week!
Makes you wonder if they are correcting the math the right way.
hahaha that was hilarious! cam is such a doll!! parkers teachers.... not so much! forgive nat- she graduated from cyprus!
Dear Karry,
I am wondering if Parker is thanking you for taking him bowling sometimes or letting him go to the bathroom. (boweling- I believe might be relieving the bowels?) Please let him in the bathroom more often! Sometimes is not enough! I also love the cute things your kids say on the fun Mother’s Day school projects. I probably received my last one this year since my baby will be in middle school next year. :(
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