Sunday, July 02, 2006

Yuba Lake, Day 2 In The Morning

Dad and I getting breakfast started. Don't mind Aaron in the background, he was clipping his toenails! SICKO!

Parker didn't like the breakfast we made, so his Aunt Fern kept him happy with a powder donut, which he promptly put the whole thing in his mouth!

We (including my parents) were in charge of providing Friday morning breakfast. We did something fun and different. We dipped french bread in regular egg batter and then pressed it into Maple flavored granola, and put it on the griddle. It was soooo good! We even had boy scout syrup which consisted of Lime, Orange, Blueberry, and Raspberry syrup made from Kool-Aid! I think that freaked out the Sweet's, but I loved it. We also had hash browns and spiral ham. It was good eatin'.

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